Los Angeles County District Attorney Jackie Lacey’s husband brought a gun and deadly threats to the front door of their home on Monday morning as Black Lives Matter activists beat drums and chanted about DA Lacey.
Video from the scene credited to Black Lives Matter LA clearly shows David Lacey at the doorway of their Granada Hills home, pointing a weapon and shouting, “I will shoot you. Get off of my porch.” MORE
And she’s the one we need to win. Not that she’s great, but the other guy Gascon is the DA who made San Francisco what it is today and wants to do the same with L.A. That’s literally what his ads say.
Too bad he wasn’t trigger happy.
Has California gone so far to the left that you can no longer use a gun to protect yourself in your home from trespassing thugs?
So … did they leave?
“When you have to shoot, shoot; don’t talk.”
izlamo delenda est …
Should have had a few claymore mines scattered about the property.
Time for legislation preventing protests in front of people’s homes. This is pure brownshirt leftist intimidation.
It should be illegal.
@Tim – Tuco knows best.
Full name: Tuco Benedicto Pacífico Juan María Ramírez
It’s worse than this. In another state, i can’t remember which one, but it was on the east coast, a guy pulled a gun on people he wanted to leave his property and the cops put the guy with the gun in jail. They claimed he was the offender for pulling the gun. I’m sure the DA won’t prosecute her husband in this case, but if you pull a gun on somebody and you are not in imminent danger, even on your own property, the libtard queer scum that makes up most prosecuting atornye’s offices will come after you. Keep that in mind.
His and her black lives don’t matter apparently…
I operate under “Castle Doctrine” so don’t come to my house with that crap.
She looks like an old lady in need of protection. I don’t see anything wrong with what her husband did, is it a crime to show your weapon to unpredictable thugs trespassing on your porch?
If he felt in fear for his life would it have been OK to shoot the thugs on the porch?
Correct response: turn the hose on them and keep a shotgun on a sling over your shoulder so you are not brandishing.
Braden Lynch- you’re not allowed to use water for drinking,bathing, or as a defense in CA. lol
MJA, APPLAUSE x 3! Truth in humor. 😂
Mr. Lacy…might I suggest claymores next time?
She was on Tv apologizing for her husband instead of thanking him for acting like a man.
@Anonymous – that’s the type of groveling the Gascon camp likes, so it may garner her a few more votes!
If that many “black lives mutters” shows up you need a large clip…………and a backhoe!
livingthecovelife- Thank you ! Thank you!
*tiara. waves.*
I don’t see a problem here except for a bit of hypocrisy.
You should not be allowed to picket personal residences ever.
And to think the NRA started out arming blacks to prevent their lynching. Ingrates
A strong case could be made for brandishing. I’m a big fan of don’t pull it unless you’re going to use it.
Stay inside, call the cops. Not worth going to jail and court trying to tell the court why you went outside of your safe zone.
Know where the line is in your state and don’t cross it unless you want to do time with the type people you are telling to get off your lawn. Don’t be stupid, know what the line is. Not worth it even if they are stealing your car unless they are going to run you over.
@Bad Brad, I would amend your statement ever so slightly to say “Don’t pull it unless you are willing to use it.” That’s what I tell my conceal carry students. On occasion, I have had to draw a firearm and point it another human being. I was more than ready to use deadly force, but always gave the other party the opportunity to stand down. Which they did. Every time. It is amazing to see the change in attitude of someone when they are suddenly looking into the muzzle of a Colt 1911. I’m really glad I’ve never had to actually shoot someone.
Good thing it was activists rather than LAPD; he’d be dead as hell.