How Many Millennials Does It Take To Change A Light Bulb? – IOTW Report

How Many Millennials Does It Take To Change A Light Bulb?

Study Finds-

SHEFFIELD, United Kingdom — Has the quintessential handyman become a thing of the past? Homeowners used to take pride in repairing and maintaining their homes all by themselves, but a recent survey of 2,000 young British adults finds that many still need assistance with the simplest of tasks — like changing a light bulb!

Unbelievably, some respondents even admitted to simply leaving a dead light bulb in place for more than three weeks before finally mustering up the courage to ask for some help. Other simple fixes that respondents said they can’t accomplish alone included putting up wallpaper, draining a radiator, painting, tightening up a loose cabinet door, and fixing a loose screw.

Less than 25% of survey participants would call themselves “good” at DIY skills, and 13% (about 1 in 8) flat out said their skills are “poor.” More

30 Comments on How Many Millennials Does It Take To Change A Light Bulb?

  1. Now that everything is re-chargeable by USB I’m starting to get HVAC service calls where they DO NOT know how to change batteries on their thermostats. $$$$$

    But what do you expect from a group that uses Uber eats to order 1 Big Mac Meal at $9 food & $11 Delivery.

    ecp @ I like that, “OK Millennial” I’m going to use THX.

  2. And if you’ve reamed the screw hole too large by overtightening, a drop of Elmer’s and a wooden matchstick (without the business end)for a shim will tighten it up again.

  3. I dated a woman back in the day who did not know that car tires contained air. One time, she drove around on 4 flats until a kindly gentleman pointed it out to her.

  4. Kcir (2 Faced Trudeau); Odd got a call from my girl friend last night who’s thermostat acted up. Seems the battery was low and it posted, on the lcd display, that it was. Only it had been posting it for 3 weeks right up till the battery died. She had’nt noticed the indicator till the unit went belly up. I talked her out of trying to install one, in fear she’d break the battery door or the thermostat off the wall, or put the battery in upside down. She has zero DIY skills. Her (14) spliced up electric lawn mower lead cord is one indicator of her fix it skill level. It’s a 35 mile ride one way for me.

  5. I have 2 sons-in-law who have zero DIY skills, and zero interest in acquiring those skills. Luckily my daughters picked up some skills from me and the rest on the interwebs.

  6. My mother had the opposite mentality, rest her soul. She once had to get a new car battery and when she paid she saw a charge for shipping and handling. She refused to pay it and said if she had known that she would have carried the battery to the car herself.

  7. @TheMule, Mule the first word of your comment was my first also. They use candles because electricity isn’t on the free list, yet.
    After reading the article, it’s hard to believe anyone is so inept at daily maintenance. Glad I had 3 brothers and a Dad who taught me “stuff”. haha

  8. Millennial: “Hey, you work on cars, can you look at my import hybrid car”?

    Me:…….”I work on old American stuff so I….”

    Millennial: “Yeah, but just look at it.”

    Me:……(muther %&^$#@%) ” sure man.”

    Millennial: :pops hood:

    Me:….”oh….. well, see….. that’s your problem. You got a factory dipstick. That impedes the oil flow, heats up the engine, makes the gears stick. You need a short throw competition dipstick.”

    Millennial: “Can I get that at Auto-Zone?”

    Me:………………………………….. “yes”

    Truly, my finest hour.

  9. In the linked article it reports from the survey that a majority of millenials choose a home professional based on price alone. Most people don’t know — have nothing by which to compare — quality work from shoddy work. And Millenials compete with each other over who can score the best (financial) deal.

  10. Deplorable second class@

    Good call. I have also had many thermostats broken by people who break the pins or crack something by forcing things.

    I was teaching my son how to drill thick steel angle bar. He is 15. He thought it was easy when he was watching. When he treid it himself he snapped the bit.
    It took a few tries but he eventually learned the balance between oil, pressure, and moderate speed.

    Work with your kids and grand kids people. It will pay off.

  11. Ultimately the parents should have taken the time to teach their children these skills. Basic welding isn’t difficult but if nobody takes the time to demonstrate, it can seem intimidating to teach yourself. The same goes for plumbing, electrical work and automotive maintenance, I personally don’t know a single autodidact in any of these areas. This is another case of the boomers falling short as parents which gave rise to the lousy millennial generation. Keep in mind every time boomers insult millenials, all that’s really being displayed are the results of boomer parenting.

  12. You cant fix anything on your own, but you sneer at people who can. Then you tell the very people who bring you the food you eat that they are scum are that their fate is to become degraded second class citizens in the nation their ancestors founded

    Wow, the look on your faces when this all blows up. And you realize that you paid 200K to be so pathologically stupid


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