One in Ten Members of Iran’s Parliament Has Coronavirus – IOTW Report

One in Ten Members of Iran’s Parliament Has Coronavirus

The same Iranian lawmakers who routinely chant “death to America” are going to be dependent on America’s pharmaceutical industry to save them.

20 Comments on One in Ten Members of Iran’s Parliament Has Coronavirus

  1. Well that’s sh*tty and it’ll probably get worse for them. American Thinker had a post within the past week explaining that coronavirus can be transmitted through fecal matter and that cultures with poor hygiene practices most likely will face rapidly spreading outbreaks once this bug shows up.

  2. Heartbroken, can’t we free up some, I don’t know, some Navy Secret Seal Teams with explosive Machetes?
    Ooh, the inhumanity,
    (Ten out of Ten Members of Iran’s Parliament has Turban Lice)…
    Big F’ Deal

  3. A New England Democrat Senator was just in the hotel room of one of these sick guys while in Europe. Up to no good
    of course. Will he now be getting a fluey bill to pay
    for consorting with our enemies?

  4. I heard on the radio today that some imanananana cleric said that oil of violet or some specific flower swabbed into the anus of the sick will cure this. Hey, let them have a year to prove such. We shouldn’t interfere with their religious beliefs.


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