Miscarriage of Justice Involving Somali Muslim Teen’s Near Fatal Assault On Woman – IOTW Report

Miscarriage of Justice Involving Somali Muslim Teen’s Near Fatal Assault On Woman

Robert Spencer for PJ Media

St. Louis resident Alicia Clarke says she feels as if she has been “failed by the system” and is now “not feeling safe,” and she has good reason to feel this way. After she was savagely beaten and stabbed by her neighbor, her attacker walked free. The court considered it decisive that he has an IQ of 49. He is also a Muslim migrant, which may explain both the reluctance to prosecute him and the scant and incomplete coverage this incident has received.

St. Louis’ KSDK reported Monday that Clarke went out for a run near her home; when she returned, her cell phone was missing. Tracking it with Find My iPhone to her neighbor’s backyard, she went to get it, and told her neighbor, “I know you did this and I’m calling the police!” At that point the neighbor, whom KSDK describes only as a “6-foot teen,” attacked her.

“He knocked me down, pulling my hair, kicking,” Clarke recounted. When he finally stopped the attack, Clarke called the police. But then he returned: “I am on the phone with St. Louis police dispatch,” she said, “making my way to my backdoor, when he comes back with a weapon. He is on top of me. There was blood everywhere. I was literally fighting for my life at that point.”

The neighbor stabbed Clarke in the head and face with a screwdriver. Finally she was able to get away, and the thug was arrested. But after that, Clarke was assaulted again, this time by the criminal justice system. A juvenile court quickly dismissed the case against her attacker. “The most hurtful thing of all of this, is the dropped charges,” said Clarke. “That was much more hurtful than the physical assault.”More

20 Comments on Miscarriage of Justice Involving Somali Muslim Teen’s Near Fatal Assault On Woman

  1. A juvenile court quickly dismissed the case against her attacker.

    Insufficient information. I want to see the names and titles of everybody in that juvenile court that had anything to do with this…this…I’m not sure if it’s MALfeasance or MISfeasance. Probably it’s both. Infuriating.

  2. really when is enough, enough?

    these out of control judges block immigration law and orders.
    they block cities from cleaning up their streets.
    they allow criminals right back on the streets.
    why would any one in the right mind do such things?

    they are as mentally incompetent as the low iq thugs they are letting right back on the streets.

    they need to be removed from office! now!

  3. The obvious solution to a situation like this, where it is almost guaranteed to happen again, is a concealed weapons permit.

    Why anyone living in a high Muslim or illegal immigrant area doesn’t already have one is a mystery to me.

  4. “The Great Equalizer” was meant to protect the weak from the strong.

    Stupidest thing she could have done was reach for a phone to contact centralized authority (and taunt him about it) instead of a Glock.

  5. @Tony R, yep. Just following Sharia law since ours laws are “halal” to her. They are infiltrating everywhere and the purpose is to force sharia law on us.

  6. @Mithrandir: “Stupidest thing she could have done was reach for a phone to contact centralized authority (and taunt him about it) instead of a Glock.”

    YES! And if you have to just call the police, don’t first go to the large/armed criminal and TELL him you’re going to call the police.

    They do this all the time on crime shows and get killed, and I’ve always thought that was not realistic. Evidently it is.

  7. I’d set the fucker up with cellphone “bait”, and shoot his ass when he crossed the property line. Based on past experience, “fear for her life” is reasonable and provable.

  8. We have the same problems in Canada. It is especially bad in Winnipeg, where the Somali and Native gangs vie for control of illegal gun running, drugs and prostitution.


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