Where’s Their Savior Now? – IOTW Report

Where’s Their Savior Now?

A very thought-provoking piece was posted by Don Surber yesterday- What might have been if a person named Jennifer was around now to save the democrats from disaster.  Here

8 Comments on Where’s Their Savior Now?

  1. Roe v Wade was passed into law the same day that LBJ died in Jan. 1973. I know because I was assigned to Special Services at NAS Miramar, Cal. at the time and was the duty driver and in charge of the reader boards at both entrances to the base and put up the notice that LBJ had died. It’s too bad the sign really didn’t say that eventually over 50-60 million + babies would be murdered since then. This is why the democraps are so apoplectic, they’re scared shitless that the Supreme Court may change the law and send abortion back to the states where it should’ve been in the 1st place. A whole generation or two of innocent unborn children has been sacrificed to the left’s god Baal since I was 19 and almost 20 years old. I despise the left and what they’ve done to destroy my country over the past 47 years.

  2. This is why most of the Homos are voting an overall Dem ticket and the further left the candidate is the better. Because they have their eye on the abortion issue as barometer for what is going to happen to gay marriage and all the “rights” that they have fought for for so long. And we all know that gay marriage was “rammed through” under even more shaky legal ground than abortion ever was.

  3. As shaky as it was…
    For the first 197 years of the Republic, abortion was illegal,
    In the Declaration of Independence, Americans are guaranteed the right life,
    Since 1973 the High Court has invalidated the Declaration without a national vote,
    Both Camps cannot be right at the same time.

  4. As much as I would like to believe 100% in the “ROE EFFECT” I can’t.

    Politics like intelligence and many physical traits is a mixture of genetics and environment. yes having conservative, married parents can help keep a child from going full moonbattery but it is no guarantee.

    My Brother has two daughters one hard core conservative the other a full blow Bernie gal moonbat.

    Likewise I have two daughters, one (the older) very conservative /libertarian.
    The other, despite 12 years of Catholic/ Presbyterian schooling is a moderate left wing (only slightly loony) which I chalk up to College indoctrination (Oswego).

    Until we get hold of, and reform or eliminate public, schooling and Colleges we will always have indoctrinated leftists, brainwashed into believing the unbelievable.

  5. Let’s be honest. Jennifer also could have been born to a life of neglect, pain, and abuse by a mother who never wanted her in the first place. She could have birthed multiple unwanted children herself who would become taxpayer-supported burdens who might have turned to a life of crime. For every child aborted that could have cured cancer or wrote a symphony that would rival Beethoven’s Ninth, there was an aborted child who might have inflicted another genocide on the world. Few would ever deny maybe the world would be better off if Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Manson, Bundy, etc were never born. Abortion is a fact of life. Legal or not there are some that will terminate a pregnancy for whatever reason they believe is right. So, let’s not get all misty for the loss of Jennifer.

  6. Personal choice should also be at personal expense.
    I don’t appreciate me being involved in paying for the poor choices of others.
    Same goes for socialized medicine.

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