Conservative Dan Crenshaw Calling For Big Government Solution To Fairy Tale Problem – IOTW Report

Conservative Dan Crenshaw Calling For Big Government Solution To Fairy Tale Problem


Dan Crenshaw Calls for Immediate Republican Action at the Federal Level to Stop Climate Change

Rep. Dan “McCain 2.0” Crenshaw (R-TX) came out with an op/ed this week in National Review arguing that conservatives need to embrace the reality of climate change and propose a government solution to the supposed problem.

“With ever-more-extreme “solutions” such as the Green New Deal being proposed, conservatives have quickly taken the bait, falling into the tired political trap set by leftists. But I believe we no longer have to do this. We can fight back against the alarmism with tangible solutions based on reason, science, and the free market,” he wrote.

Crenshaw bragged in the op/ed that he is working with House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) on a globalist plan to defeat climate change.

Crenshaw’s plan is called the New Energy Frontier, and he wants the government to pick winners and losers in the marketplace in order to support natural-gas technology that he claims is carbon neutral. He wants more bureaucracy to be put in place in order to facilitate his big government solution.


27 Comments on Conservative Dan Crenshaw Calling For Big Government Solution To Fairy Tale Problem

  1. This is the problem with the majority of Republicans in congress, they are never against the libtard policies they just want to run them because they know how to do it better. Even when they go to DC with conservatism in their hearts somehow that swamp changes them in short order to globalists that somehow know how we all should live. Term limits and limit the time they spend in session annually.

  2. I already embrace the reality of climate change, and that reality tells me (1) that climates change naturally, (2) there is as yet no evidence that modern human activity has any measurable effect on the climate, and (3) the political left are disingenuously fomenting fear of climate change in order to achieve social and political ends that have nothing to do with the environment.

    Sorry, Dan, but you’re fscking up.

  3. The One Eyed Man is only King when the rest of the World is Blind..

    Fuck You Dan (It’s Friday and profanity is not only allowed…It’s

    encouraged) This Man showed His true colors on Gun Control…

  4. Oh Shit!

    Him too now?

    It just proves that if you repeat the lie enough times people will believe it.
    There must really be a disease in Washington that affects the brain.

  5. What a disappointment. More taxes and programs have never solved anything.
    Our climate is going to change and there is nothing we can do about it. I recommend Dan visit this site if he wants the facts on “Climate Change.” This guy has the goods on the climate fraudsters.

  6. When one buys into a liberal argument and proposes an alternative solution, you lose with both liberals and conservatives.

    Does politics and the desire for re-election cause one to check their brains and balls in the coat check?


    Hopefully this is fake news.

  7. We on the right need to stop falling for these idols because they all have clay feet; Crenshaw, megyn kelly and Glenn beck And Sarah Palin back in the day etc

  8. He’s right, he fell into the liberals trap. When does he sit on the couch with Nancy Pelosi to promote nuclear power with Newt Gingrich? I bet he agrees to a debate on globull hotcoldwetdry with John Kerry next.

  9. Walked at my favorite hill country park again yesterday; it’s all limestone.
    My hat’s off to the cussing German farmers that tried to plow this shit.
    Wish I could show you the picture of a fossil Ammonite print in the rock , about 12″ in diameter, that ended up at around 1400′ elevation.
    How’d that water get way up there?
    Glaciers musta been melting 60 -80 million years ago, all without people, huh?
    Imagine that.


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