Joe Biden Keeps Forgetting Barack Obama’s Name and It’s Getting Uncomfortable – IOTW Report

Joe Biden Keeps Forgetting Barack Obama’s Name and It’s Getting Uncomfortable



On multiple occasions, Joe Biden has forgot Barack Obama’s name.

“By the way, are you gonna stick with President on the following, President [awkward pause], the last guy, on this issue?”

Story here

30 Comments on Joe Biden Keeps Forgetting Barack Obama’s Name and It’s Getting Uncomfortable

  1. …In fairness, it doesn’t help Joe any that “Barack Obama” isn’t the Indonesian’s name, not a given name, not even a LEGAL name. He was, and is, Barry Soetoro, but being the lawless, lazy person he is, he could never be bothered to legally change it even after having someone ghost-write his fictional formative years story for him.

    And Joe probably knows this, and Joe’s probably been told NOT to call him Barry. But Joe’s old, so he might get confused between the two names, and that’s what locks him up.

    As a side note, this means everything the Indonesian Manchurian candidate ever did or said, starting with his Oath of Office which he took in his false name, is a lie, beginning to end, and ALL his works in a SANE world would be null and void.

    …anyway, Soetoro isn’t his REAL name, either.

    It’s Legion.

    Just like all his Democrat cohorts, Legion is the name for them ALL, because they are ALL evil, and ALL serving the same master in hell, and I DON’T mean Soros, HE is Legion as well…

  2. Oh that wily old Joe.
    He knows Obama’s name.
    He’s just goofing because Obama seems to have forgotten Joe’s name, when it comes to an endorsement.

  3. Speaking of memory problems: Notice this is what the cocksuckers at The News Buffoon left out of this story. I may be getting old, but my memory is just fine. If I can remember what I read in their POS newspaper just a few days ago the duplicitous motherfuckers can remember what they published therein.

    “I just received a call from @VP Mike Pence, thanking Washington state for our efforts to combat the coronavirus. I told him our work would be more successful if the Trump administration stuck to the science and told the truth.”

    Trump calls Jay Inslee a ‘snake’ as Washington’s coronavirus death toll rises

  4. Governor Inslee is not only a snake, he’s also a snake oil salesman par excellence with all his gloom and doom globull warming bs baloney spewing out of his stupid pie hole. Can we please get rid of this jerk in this Fall’s gubernatorial election in Wash. state. And please no Bob Ferguson either.

  5. Obiden Bama has a certain appeal to me. It’s not Biden and it’s not Obama, but it seems to indicate that Our Poor Joey is heading for a Senator Thomas Eagleton moment before the Full Catastrophe Convention. Remember him? He was George McGovern’s first choice to be his Vice Presidential running mate in 1972. He only lasted for eighteen days, after it was revealed that he had undergone electroshock treatments for severe depression in the 1960s. If Biden doesn’t grow a new, functioning brain in a couple of months, the real powers (Obama, Clinton, Schumer, and Pelosi) are going to stage an intervention, because a Presidential Race is a terrible thing to waste on an incoherent old fella.

  6. @Stirrin the pot ~~

    Huge difference between American hero Admiral James Stockdale and ‘lifetime at the taxpayer trough buffoon’ biden.

    Admiral Stockdale spent about 7 years in the ‘Hanoi Hilton’ being tortured while the guy that whipped Corn Pop was torturing American taxpayers and lining his own pockets!

  7. @Rock Knutne – relax, that was not intended to be a knock against Adm Stockton nor a comparison to Joe Biden. It was merely a use of a funny line.

    Adm Stockton used that line as an introduction of himself as a non-politician and what his military experience would bring to the office.

  8. Thanks, Rock, for standing up for Adm Stockdale, and thanks, Stirrin, for clarifying…I recommend to anyone who isn’t familiar to spend just a few minutes reading up on Adm Stockdale…he most decidedly earned his Congressional Medal of Honor…

  9. The senile bastard will drop out at the time and place most advantageous to the Lizard Queen. The evil bitch owns the Demonrat party and no other creature will be allowed the nomination with Manchelle as her VP.

    HA Goodman called this in 2017 and I have never doubted it. Her and Barry have been setting this plate since she recovered from her hangover on Nov 4 2016.

  10. Dismal Joe Biden,,,.
    Is as unfit to serve as the President of the PTA,
    Shillary is fit to serve 20 years to life in prison,
    Is she is not hanged for Treason.

  11. Future generations will read the history of this election year, and think they must have picked up a fictional satire history book instead of a real history book.

  12. Actually, I think Barack told Joe a long time ago…I want nothing to do with your campaign. period. If you so much as mention it I’ll make sure the proper people get access to every detail regarding Ukraine. It just is so obvious to me that he’s practically strangling himself not to mention Obama’s name which looks very deliberate to me. just a thought.

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