LGBTQ Nation Backs a Real Dark Horse For Biden Running Mate – IOTW Report

LGBTQ Nation Backs a Real Dark Horse For Biden Running Mate

LGPTQ Nation

There are lots of possibilities that fit. Biden certainly owes Amy Klobuchar a big debt of thanks for her endorsement just before Super Tuesday, which led Biden to unexpectedly win her home state of Minnesota.

A woman of color would also send a strong message. Kamala Harris generated a lot of attention with her presidential bid, and she showed that she’s far more dynamic on the stump than Biden is. Stacey Abrams, who unsuccessfully ran for governor in Georgia in 2018, is an up-and-comer in the party, despite her relatively limited experience.

But perhaps the most intriguing name being thrown about is Senator Tammy Baldwin. If chosen, Baldwin would become the first out LGBTQ person on the presidential ticket for a major party. She would bring a number of advantages to the ticket. More

When the only consideration is identity politics, you end up with a nonentity like Senator Tammy Baldwin. – Dr. Tar

13 Comments on LGBTQ Nation Backs a Real Dark Horse For Biden Running Mate

  1. Senator Baldwin is in my state, Wisconsin. So far she hasn’t been anything memorable. She does come from money so she has something in common with Joe. I don’t take the predictions of the Alphabet People too seriously. They were all gaga over Buttboy too. As a group they place voting importance on genitals over experience.

  2. BULLSHIT!!! We’ve already had a TRANNY living in the White House it doesn’t send a message of power to the rest of the world.

    That’s all we need if for the freaks and fags running our country!

  3. Want to improve your health? Sleep better? Enjoy your relationships more? Have a better overall feeling in life?

    Then don’t read ANYTHING from the left/swamp/islamic media: not their shitty books, tv shows, movies, music – nothing.

    Try it.


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