Virtue Signaling Fart Face, Chris Hayes, Says It’s “Astoundingly Gross” to Call Latest Corona Virus “Wuhan Virus” – IOTW Report

Virtue Signaling Fart Face, Chris Hayes, Says It’s “Astoundingly Gross” to Call Latest Corona Virus “Wuhan Virus”

What a jerk. What it must be like to be this much of an a-hole, to mince through life actively looking for things to be outraged by.

Rep. Paul Gosar has self-quarantined after possibly coming into contact, at CPAC, to someone who tested positive to, what he called, the Wuhan Virus. (This is a perfectly acceptable term.)

Punchable face Hayes says this is racist.

UPDATE: Hayes is saying he never called the term “racist.” Well, if it’s not racist, why is it astoundingly gross? (This is why he needs a throat kick, this kind of semantical bullshittery.)

Jack Posobiec compiled a list that would make a better person issue a public apology, and perhaps consider shuttingTFU for a very, very long time.

West Nile Virus

Zika Virus

Ebola Virus

German Measels

Spanish Flu

Marburg Virus

Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever


Stockholm Syndrome

Lyme Disease

Wuhan Virus

All named after places


Hey Hayes, is it astoundingly gross when a disease is named after the discoverer of the disease?


Aspberger Syndrome

Crohn’s disease

Hodgkin’s disease

Parkinson’s disease

Bell’s palsy

Tourette’s syndrome

and hundreds more, are named, proudly, after the researcher. It’s not a stain on the family name, an epithet, or racism, you stunningly stupid shitstain.

28 Comments on Virtue Signaling Fart Face, Chris Hayes, Says It’s “Astoundingly Gross” to Call Latest Corona Virus “Wuhan Virus”

  1. “What it must be like to be this much of an a-hole, to mince through life actively looking for things to be outraged by.”

    Every time I see this moron on TV, which is rare, I’m always left with the feeling that he’s just about ready to eat a gun.

  2. American Legion members should be outraged, OUTRAGED, with the name Legionnaire’s disease.
    Normal people understand why terms come into existence, and how they make perfect sense, and are not “hurtful” (said in the most irritating and effeminate way.)

  3. Most all viruses have originated from China. Including Spanish flu and bubonic plague. It’s called spanish flu because Spain was the only country attempting to accurately report its cases at the time.
    Same BS today, the China cover up. Things haven’t changed at all.

  4. If you listen to hayes, stelter or any other of these ignorant fools there is something wrong with you. Too much weed, booze, meth or other drugs have fried your brain.

  5. Yea, so what? I think it is “Astoundingly Gross” when cock chugging shit eaters co opt words like gay or images such as rainbows and use them to gain popular acceptance of their perverted lifestyle choices

  6. Listening to Michael Knowles podcast earlier today, he was calling it “chop fluey” and “Wuflu.”

    Perhaps you prefer something a little less lethal sounding, Mr. Hayes?

  7. Call it what you like, this will end up being the best thing for our economy anybody could have dreamed up. There’s a lot of Supply chains currently being re established domestically just as fast as it can be done.

  8. wonder how ‘astoundingly gross’ he gets when he walks by a Chinese restaurant

    … or Thai, Indian, Mongolian, Italian, Mexican, Japanese Steak House …

  9. @Bad_Brad March 9, 2020 at 3:41 pm

    > There’s a lot of Supply chains currently being re established domestically just as fast as it can be done.

    I didn’t think there were still that many Indians left in India!

    Oh! Oh, surely. You don’t mean they’re bringing in Chinamen from China?

  10. Corona Virus…BFD…when you name a virus after a beer that isn’t going to strike fear into the hearts of people, especially numbnut muhlenials!

    Give it a name that will scare the shit out of them, something like:



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