Virginia Democrats Prepare to Give Illegal Aliens ‘Driver Privilege Cards’ – IOTW Report

Virginia Democrats Prepare to Give Illegal Aliens ‘Driver Privilege Cards’

Breitbart: Elected Democrats in Virginia are preparing to give thousands of illegal aliens residing in the state “driver privilege cards” that allow them to freely drive without being pulled over by police for driving without a license.

This weekend, state Senate Democrats in Virginia passed legislation to allow thousands of the roughly 300,000 illegal aliens living in the state to obtain driver privilege cards that will allow them to drive vehicles.

The legislation mandates illegal aliens to file a tax return or be listed as a dependent on a tax return in order to obtain the driver privilege card. Proponents of the plan said the card will explicitly state that those with the card are not eligible to vote in elections. read more

21 Comments on Virginia Democrats Prepare to Give Illegal Aliens ‘Driver Privilege Cards’

  1. Sung to tune of “Dixie”.
    “I don’t wish I lived in the land-o-cotton
    illegals there are soon forgotten
    cops look away, look away, look away,
    from Mexican.”
    Author: Born in Hampton Roads. Stayed 2 weeks.

  2. @Sarthurk:

    The police can still pull them over. They just can’t give them a summons for driving without a license. A more important question is, do the illegals have to pass both written and driving tests to get these cards? And how do they assess his driving history if there are no official records? Can they still be nailed for driving without insurance (which many of them will do)?

  3. Looks like the Dems are going for the “popular vote” again, instead of the Presidency, so they can bitch about the Electoral College for another four years.

  4. You reward pigeons for pecking buttons, you get more button pecking by pigeons.

    You reward illegals for breaking laws, you get more law breaking by illegals.

    That’s the way things work, and I suspect our legislators know and intend it that way when they set up those rewards.

  5. If the privilege cards specifically say no voting, do Virginia voters have to provide proof of identity at the poll to vote?

    Also, it would be a shame if all Virginia insurance companies refused to insure anyone with a driving privilege card instead of a driver’s license.

  6. might as well just hand them out on the street corners to the illegals
    at this point I wouldn’t expect them to follow any of the laws they made.
    now that’s hypocrisy

  7. DaveVA

    You’re state Republican Party needs to start filing some serious Law Suits pronto. I can find multiple stories on the internet on how Virginia Libtards are hiring California resources to fuck up your state. Obviously Virginia has been targeted. But Gerrymandering voting lines should be a no brainer.

  8. ANON

    “You reward illegals for breaking laws, you get more law breaking by illegals.”

    Smart folk have known this for thousands of years. It is the basis of Wealth of Nations” 244 years ago.

    Dr. BF Skinner documented tis is how the real world works with Chickens, Rats, and rabbits; hundreds of thousands of trials in his”Skinner’s box”. For documenting that rewarding good behavior encourages it and punishing bad behavior (gas chamber the actually killing criminals) reduces it; Harvard asked him to retire!

    Iv’s said here many times the last several years the Ivy League is run bar liberal Bush types; forcing Skinner to retire in 74 is another example of the liberal Bush control!

    My GradSchool was not a wasteE


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