FISA Court Judge Finally Shows Signs Of Holding FBI Responsible For Abuse – IOTW Report

FISA Court Judge Finally Shows Signs Of Holding FBI Responsible For Abuse

John Solomon For Just The News

or much of the last three years, key law enforcement leaders have insisted they did nothing wrong in pursuing counterintelligence surveillance warrants targeting the Trump campaign starting during the 2016 election. And, they’ve added, if mistakes were made, they were unintentional process errors downstream from them and not an effort to deceive the judges.

But in a little-noted passage in a recent order, U.S. District Judge James A. Boasberg, the new chief judge of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, took direct aim at the excuses and blame-shifting of these senior Obama administration FBI and DOJ officials. More

9 Comments on FISA Court Judge Finally Shows Signs Of Holding FBI Responsible For Abuse

  1. The FBI originated at the time the governments were (again) playing “monkey-see: monkey-do” and establishing “secret” police all over the world.

    Okhrana – 1904 (revised)
    Cheka – 1917
    FBI – 1908
    NKVD – 1934
    OVRA – 1927
    Gestapo – 1933

    They all needed avenues of blackmail, extortion, murder, coercion, and torture which left the sitting government in (apparent) innocence.
    Hoover played “kingmaker” and exposed himself.
    Beria tried to be the new red Czar and Khrushchev had him shot.
    Himmler died by his own hand.

    Sordid enterprises, all in all. Most of the culprits escape justice.

    The FISA court was complicit in this particular Treason and is now trying to distance itself.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. the “Federal Bureau of Investigation” Works for who?

    that’s right, the “Federal Reserve”, a bunch of rich bankers!

    The “Central Intellegence Agency” works for who?

    that’s right, the rich central banks bankers!

    now who holds the USA’s debts?

  3. It matters not what finger wagging Boasberg included in his “opinion”.

    Hey Barr, what’re you gonna do to hold these criminals to account? Nothing short of strongly worded INDICTMENTS will suffice!


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