GAFFE: NeverTrumper Rick Wilson Shares ‘Fake’ Trump ‘Dow Joans’ Tweet – IOTW Report

GAFFE: NeverTrumper Rick Wilson Shares ‘Fake’ Trump ‘Dow Joans’ Tweet

Well, that certainly did not go as planned.

Newsbusters- – – NeverTrumper and “Republican political strategist” Rick Wilson made a sorry attempt to play gotcha over the coronavirus-induced market dip March 9, by sharing a tweet the same day that appeared to be from President Donald Trump in 2015. The tweet he shared called for the punishment of a sitting president if the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell “more than 1000 ‘points’ in a Single Day” (the tweet called it the “Dow Joans”). Wilson commented: “I agree, Mr. President.” The problem? Wilson agreed with a fact-checked “fake” tweet.

What makes this amusing is that liberal outlet Reuters released a report March 2, 2020 fact-checking other accounts sharing that very tweet. Reuters wrote:

“[A]n advanced query on Twitter gives no results for Tweets with the words ‘Dow Joans’ or any other phrase in the screenshot on social media that could with certainty be attributed to Trump’s official Twitter account.”


12 Comments on GAFFE: NeverTrumper Rick Wilson Shares ‘Fake’ Trump ‘Dow Joans’ Tweet

  1. This Wilson character sells himself as a GOP strategist and I wonder just when was the last time he was paid by a republican of any stripe for strategising anything? It sounds like maybe he was one quite awhile ago and now he is buying groceries by selling himself to dumpster fire networks like CNN. Really, does anybody know the last client he had?

  2. Having free college in a police state is not very useful.

    A degree may lead to a higher salary and taxes that will fund wars, debt, and the police state.

    A higher income means that you can buy a new car and phone, but they will be used to track you.

    There is a reason people gave up in the Soviet Union.

  3. Yo, Bubba’s brother,
    Thanks for asking. Had first pt yesterday and looking forward to more, but it still hurts like heck and is as black and and inflated like Aretha Franklins leg.

  4. Charlie — You’ll be walking on water again soon!

    I’m more intrigued by the crawler on the C,N & N screenshot. “…Pompe cursed and demanded..” That’s like accusing POTUS of being a drunk. Pompeo is one of the most articulate defenders of the Christian faith I’ve ever seen in public office. He is quoted as saying, “”Jesus Christ our Savior is truly the only solution for our world” (in a speech, see link):

    Not saying he’s a choir boy, but it’s improbable he would swear at a lowly reporter.

  5. When chekcing into a hotel last year I asked the girl behind the counter (who looked a little like AOC): “is the porn disabled?”

    She gave me a nasty look and said “No it’s regular people porn you sicko!”


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