Number of Practicing Christians Falls To 25% – IOTW Report

Number of Practicing Christians Falls To 25%


The number of Christians in America who are actively practicing their faith has fallen by about half since 2000, according to a new survey.

A survey commissioned by the Barna Group indicates what the report calls a “dramatic change” in American Christianity. The Barna Group qualifies a “practicing Christian” by a respondent “calling oneself a Christian, strongly prioritizing faith and regular church attendance.” By these measures, only 25 percent of respondents qualify as practicing, versus 45 percent in 2000.

The survey also showed a doubling in the number of American atheists and agnostics, and that an equal number of respondents became non-practicing Christians as those who left the faith completely. More

31 Comments on Number of Practicing Christians Falls To 25%

  1. …as the Bible prophesied…

    “1 Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him,

    2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.

    3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

    4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.”

    2 Thessalonians 2 1-4

    …Guess we meet the Antichrust at the Democrat Convention, then…

  2. Did our first Muslim President ,GWB ,have an impact on this? I think his Americans caused the Muslim attack 911 Attacks ROP speech (oct 01) did. But I an not a social psychologist. I was a bean counter.

    MARCH 11, 2020 AT 9:40 PM
    “the reality is that the ‘Church’ (however one defines it) is failing Christians”

    ..tell me about it…there’s times I get more and faster prayer support at iOTW than from my church family, and when my son was in the hospital, Anymouse was there for me more than my pastor was…

    …never put your faith in men. Men will fail you. Never get preacher religion. Preachers ae human.

    Only put your faith in God. HE alone is worth.

    ..not even Jesus would say He was good while on Earth, so what lesser man can presume to be…

    “And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? none is good, save one, that is, God.”
    Luke 18:19

  4. I’ll lay some of the blame at the feet of the Commie Pope! Certainly he has single-handedly driven Catholic numbers down, but I can’t help but think what people of other denominations think of religion when they see this supreme clown maximus and what he lets go on!!

  5. Many of “our churches” are making BILLIONS relocating illegal invaders and mudslimes among their American “flock”. People who assist murder, rape, robbery and a host of other crimes are tough to forgive. TRUST is a little hard to come by these days.

    Perhaps it is they who should repent and beg forgiveness??

  6. There in lies the problem,most so called christians only “practice” their religion and then only on sunday.the rest of the week they live and act like the non christians. Look at the language in here by most of the people.cussing up a storm in one minute and then quoting the bible the next.your all hyprocites,especially you sns…..

  7. I don’t know if people are turning away from religion as much as it is that people are turning away from the buildings and organization.

    Nobody likes WOKE churches and temples with people nagging them about accepting climate change, hiding crosses and star of Davids because of muslims, storefront churches that hide illegals and provide lawyers for them. Don’t turn your religion into a sort of European Union or the UN and people will come back.

    And stop inviting politicians to rally inside your churches! I don’t care which party he/she comes from. Black churches are the worst about that. It’s no different than unions forcing or pushing members to vote for X, or else!

  8. We gave away our political party to the likes of boehner and romney.

    We gave away our schools to the likes of the shit teaching in them now.

    We gave away our culture to the vermin infesting hollywood.

    Time to stop giving, though we did elect PDJT.

  9. @SNS ~ Luke 18:19 is one of my favorites, that & Jesus cursing the fig tree … it shows, to me, that even the Son of Man admitted that he was a fallible human being

    none of us is perfect, but we must strive to be worthy … in the end, God will judge what’s in our hearts … not some fallible human being that demands our worship of them, instead of God (something Jesus never did)

  10. Spose there’s a link between Americans turning against God and the Muslim invasion, Hillary getting sober, super Fentanyl, ring of fire , earth quakes, democrats, volcanic activity, locust threat, new viruses, NWO, China, Russia, and North Korea saber rattling?

  11. Religion is a money-grubbing SCAM!

    Belief in God, however, is Ok, but not nurtured by the church.

    How many churches did Jesus furiously construct while on earth? Zero.

    How much wealth did he sqirrel away for his follower’s development? Zero.

    He was OUTSIDE preaching and actually helping people, not holed up behind walls, hording money and pretending to do God’s work.

    Organized religion is inspired by Satan. Go blow millions on your Mega churches and listen to frauds flying around in private jets suckers!

  12. When the Rapture happens, there will be so few real Christians left that the world won’t even notice that they’re gone. Some mega-churches my find their attendance drop by a couple of percent, though.

  13. Anonymous MARCH 11, 2020 AT 10:04 PM

    “…your all hyprocites,especially you sns…..”

    …yes, I am flawed and weak and get argry and upset too much, and often I say things that are not worthy of my Lord. You are right, I am a poor advertisement for Him, and I’ve never said otherwise.

    You have never seen ME say “Follow Me”. I have too much rage for the evil men do to be worthy of Heaven at this time, I know it, and have said it here many times. I do not hold myself out as an exemplar, which is my only defense against your charge of hypocrisy. I know the Word and what my Lord wants, but I am too weak to be there with Him presently, which is why I ask His help and ask those here for prayer.

    I will never be worthy of myself, no man CAN be. Only grace and the Blood makes ANY man worthy of Heaven. I go to church likely I got to the hospital, not because I am well, but because I am SEEKING to get well.

    I can only say I am working on it , with His help.

    …Perhaps you don’t like when I quote the Bible, but I only do so when it’s apt.

    Like now.

    “10 And it came to pass, as Jesus sat at meat in the house, behold, many publicans and sinners came and sat down with him and his disciples.

    11 And when the Pharisees saw it, they said unto his disciples, Why eateth your Master with publicans and sinners?

    12 But when Jesus heard that, he said unto them, They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick.

    13 But go ye and learn what that meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice: for I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.”
    Matthew 9:10-13

    …so if you feel you know of my flaws and that you are a better person than me, perhaps you should rather pray for me to rise above my nature than to impugn and dismiss me. I need the help of the Lord, but I also need the prayers of His children.

    If you consider yourself one, well, but do be advised…

    “1 Judge not, that ye be not judged.
    2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.
    3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?”
    Matthew 7:1-3

    …you don’t know me, you don’t know what I’ve seen, what I’ve done, and how intimately I have witnessed true evil. If you’ve read everything I ever put here, you know only a tiny fraction. I have much to heal, and what you see now is a vast improvement on what I was before, but you wouldn’t know that, so you wouldn’t know to credit the Lord as my loved ones do with the great changes he has already wrought in me. I am very much a work in progress, but with His help and grace, there IS progress.

    …don’t despise me, if you are indeed judging me wanting in the Lord.

    But pray for me.

    God Bless,

  14. We visit many many churches looking at stained glass windows and have met many MANY a wonderful dedicated people to their faith and the building (art, murals, mosaics and architecture) they worship in. We get invited to stay for the coffee hour for instance! Been to over 150 maybe and we were ‘turned away’ (got there off hours) maybe five times???

    We grew up in an RC church in the early seventies that got most of its priests from India and Africa, so there ya go.

    Now, THAT said, I’m tempted to go to a church with a full High Latin mass these days just to get away from what @MJA said…I also think if anything there might be a Reckoning going on?

  15. The only reason some people attend churches is to look down their noses at those who dont. They are sanctimonious pious pharisees that wag their finger at you when you say a naughty word. “See!! See!! You’re not a Christian, I am!” And if attendance is down its because them and other reasons of course. Esp those dead churches. You know the ones. The ones stuck with hymnals from the 1950’s and uninspiring messages that drone on and on about social matters and are afraid to speak Christs words in a santuary with a capacity of hundreds and only holds dozens.

    I see more honest Christians on IOTW and get uplifting words here (esp from SNS, God Bless You) than most people at church.

  16. and now i just read SNS defense. Again, Great Words backed up with Scripture.

    I grew up in a performance based acceptance church. You know the ones, where you have to wear clothes a certain way, speak a certain way, never play cards, smoke, drink. On and on it went until you just gave up. Thank God Christ came to free us from that.

  17. I am a follower of our glorious Messiah Yahshuah, and what He and the Father have proclaimed since the beginning. They are eternal and do not change. They require equal weights & measures in all things.

    I diligently strive to walk (imperfectly) in His Torah, the instructions for a set apart life, as did Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses and every other human who has trusted in our sovereign creator and find the calling to obedience in His Way.

    It is the curse of the “law” (death) which has been taken away, not His Torah. We do not see it as a checklist of acts to achieve, but the very nature of YHWH. It is how we should act, react, judge and love each other and Him.

    Shalom Aleichem, Peace be unto you (and yours).

  18. OK then God Bless All who post here
    and the many many hours BFH & AWESOME! crew
    put in to provide us with valuable info
    and entertainment.I have gained 2.3 IQ points
    in 10 years here from people waaay up above
    my intellect…

  19. Nah man, I’m not buying it. Sure, fewer people go to Church. But that ain’t our fault. Church people be sayin’ “oh, you have to change yourself to follow God.”

    Muther trucker, you Church people are the ones who changed. We’re still having babies and leading normal lives. You choads are the ones who went all West Hollywood on us.

    Get your ish’ together and maybe people will start listening again. In the meantime, plenty of people are tight with Jesus without having to deal with the middleman.

    So the headline should read “25% of U.S. Churches practice Christianity.”


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