Pressure grows on Bernie Sanders to drop out – IOTW Report

Pressure grows on Bernie Sanders to drop out

Washington Examiner: DETROIT  Democrats are skittish Bernie Sanders is going to cling onto his presidential hopes as Joe Biden’s primary victories threaten to dash them.

The Vermont senator’s path to the 2020 Democratic nomination became more difficult to traverse Tuesday as the two-term vice president added more wins to his column, running away with victories in Mississippi, Missouri, and Michigan, the mega-state of the night.

Democrats, such as Lincoln Park Strategies’ Stefan Hankin, fear Sanders won’t concede until he’s exhausted all his options, hurting Biden before he faces President Trump in the general election.

“Sanders does not exactly have a track record of being a team player. I mean, he’s not actually a member of the Democratic Party,” he told the Washington Examiner. “And his supporters, if you haven’t noticed, are slightly zealous about the whole thing.” read more

18 Comments on Pressure grows on Bernie Sanders to drop out

  1. Bernie is too lazy to actually be Preezy. I suspect that he just wants to be known as “That Radical Guy” who almost became the president.
    He can milk this fame on a nationwide college speaking tour.

  2. ** Breaking **

    Hillary Clinton announces that just in case Bernie and Biden both have biphasic CoVid-19, she’s willing to step in.

    “You know, they could drop dead before the election. The country needs someone who is STRONG! And I’m that person!”, Mrs. Clinton said in an ad hoc news conference.

    More at eleven.

  3. I’m with @Walpurgis and @TN Tuxedo. I want to see the fatal apoplexy of the Dem gang plotters when BS announces he’s still running as a write-in/independent. I want to see that almost as much as I want to see the left’s vote split.

  4. They’ll hash it out so they have their ‘debate’ but it will be set up to support Joe. Bernie will play along. The guy pulled a con on everyone, he just wanted to run around getting rich, getting rock star treatment from old hippies and young brainwashed youth that listened and cheered on his socialist BS. He isn’t a doer, he has never gotten anything done in congress. Just like his supporters can’t even manage to get themselves to the polls. This will be wrapped up in the next few weeks and orchestrated to support Biden.


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