FBI’s Russia collusion case fell apart in first month of Trump presidency, memos show – IOTW Report

FBI’s Russia collusion case fell apart in first month of Trump presidency, memos show

Flynn collusion ruled out, Steele dossier debunked in January 2017, more than two years before Mueller announced it.

Just The News: The piecemeal release of FBI files in the Russia collusion investigation has masked an essential fact: James Comey’s G-men had substantially debunked the theory that Donald Trump’s campaign conspired with Moscow by the time the 45th president was settling into the Oval Office, according to declassified memos, court filings and interviews.

And that means a nascent presidency and an entire nation were put through two more years of lacerating debate over an issue that was mostly resolved in January 2017 inside the bureau’s own evidence files. The proof is now sitting in plain view. more

9 Comments on FBI’s Russia collusion case fell apart in first month of Trump presidency, memos show

  1. People really need to go to prison over this miscarriage of justice. And by people I don’t mean Trump associates guilty of process crimes I mean thos that pushed the lie like Comey and Peter Strzok,

  2. The Impeachment case fell apart the day after Pelosi started it, when Trump released the transcript. Likewise, the media hoaxing of Coronavirus has already fallen apart, too, but the Dung Beetle Deep State Dems don’t know it yet. They gotta roll that shitball for a few more weeks until it crumbles in the sun.

  3. The Deep State’s efforts to block Trump from power would not have been successful without a complicit Republican leadership in Congress. Think how much different our current situation would have been if Ryan and McConnell had been the least bit supportive. Republicans would have retained and enlarged their majority in the House, for one, and the Senate would be solidly Republican.

  4. It’s beyond obvious that this government that we have is operating completely outside the bounds of law; either because of corruption or because they have passed laws that protect themselves from scrutiny.

    Everyone — and I mean everyone — knows there is a such a thing as the Deep State or the Administrative State. The parallel, administrative Federal government has been written about in books and articles by people both inside and outside the Federal government who know, by name in most instances, the bad actors. What is so incredibly frustrating is that we all know this and yet the crimes of the Administrative State — not least is its unConstitutionality — continue in the face of all the facts.

    There’s nothing so awful as impotent rage against the injustice of the Administrative State. These are bureaucracies that make their own “guidelines” that have the force of law and these laws are not only unConstitutional but are exceedingly arbitrary and capricious. On top of which this shadow government has rendered our Congress toothless and it no longer is held to account for anything. As one writer put it, the Deep State is so entrenched in our government that it is impervious to elections, party politics and beyond the law. It is this Deep State that drives the media’s attacks on POTUS Trump and the Republicans. Currently, the Administrative State is most visible in the one area of government we would normally expect to find relief: the DoJ.

    So much more to say about this. We’re gonna need bigger pitch forks.


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