‘Buy American’ — White House Confirms Executive Order That Will End Medical Supply Chain Reliance On China – IOTW Report

‘Buy American’ — White House Confirms Executive Order That Will End Medical Supply Chain Reliance On China


Excellent news!


By:Christian Datoc, The Daily Caller, March 11, 2020:

White House Director of Trade and Manufacturing Policy Peter Navarro confirmed Wednesday the administration is working on an executive order to eliminate the government’s reliance on foreign-made medical supplies.

The “Buy American” order comes on the heels of concerns expressed by senators during their Tuesday meeting with President Donald Trump on Capitol Hill.

Republican Florida Sen. Marco Rubio said that during the meeting on easing coronavirus-related financial pressures on Americans, he asked Trump to support the Senate’s “efforts to invest in diversifying our supply chain, especially in pharmaceuticals and medical equipment.” more

22 Comments on ‘Buy American’ — White House Confirms Executive Order That Will End Medical Supply Chain Reliance On China

  1. The virus was released deliberately with the intention of it getting to the U.S. and destabilizing Trump’s economy, costing him 2020, thus removing his foot from the Chicoms’ neck. Plenty of sympathetic and Wall Street allies to help by hyping the virus out of proportion, and sparking panic selling.

    That’s my theory, and that of others I’m sure.

  2. 1. End corporate income tax.
    2. Inform Big Pharma they will make the products here and sell them here at the LOWEST global price.
    3. If they refuse cancel all their patents and encourage other US company start ups.

  3. Tanking the economy is a huge risk politically.

    The economy could come roaring back by the end of Summer.
    The dependence on China for manufactured goods could be cut off forever.
    The importance of curbing immigration could be revealed and reinstated.
    The need for 2A protection could become painfully obvious.

    The Deep State’s and the Media’s hate for America will become even more painfully obvious and its revelation will become permanent.

    This is a turning point and there will be no second-chances, America.

  4. We have not only enlisted other countries to manufacture our products we’ve also assisted them in obtaining the skills, technology and equipment to do so. Aren’t we a country run by geniuses.(Greed and profit margins)

  5. grool has a pretty good theory. Now we need the public evidence to prove it.

    Wait. Other than the President, no one in the government or media believes in evidence anymore.

  6. @Grool I was willing to accept this virus for what it was, an unknown strain of flu. I’m in the high risk population so I continued to do what I do during cold/flu season. I’m concerned but not in a million years did I think that within a week the economy would crash and hysteria would take over.

    I’m waiting for domestic travel to WA state to be restricted the day of a stock market rally. This all seems too planned to ruin the country just as POTUS was flying high, out from under Impeachment etc…how can we not start thinking of conspiracies?!?

  7. @grool
    Look at what they were willing to do in 2007/2008 – risking almost complete world economic collapse, and destruction of wealth for millions of people, destroying lives, all to get obummer in the White House.

  8. Yikes. Sylvia and I are on the exact same page. This had to be done. These could become some very interesting times quickly. Don’t get to complacent. The financial wreck that’s coming could ignite some real problems

  9. Chinese newspapers do not print editorials that are not sanctioned by their government. So, their government threatened the supply chain for our pharmaceutical industry while crying racism for correctly attributing them as the source of a pandemic.

    They have never been held to account over the Office of Personnel Management hack. They are using that information to their benefit now. Bribing, compromising and blackmailing government officials.


    They act like an enemy so treat them like an enemy.

  10. Executive orders can be rescinded by another president in the future.
    Soooo ….Executive order now, law passed by congress when the GOP takes control of the House after November would be my choice.


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