Here’s why people are panic buying and stockpiling toilet paper to cope with coronavirus fears – IOTW Report

Here’s why people are panic buying and stockpiling toilet paper to cope with coronavirus fears

CNBC: Panic buying has been rife amid the global spread of the new coronavirus, with consumers around the world stockpiling goods like hand sanitizer, canned foods and toilet paper.

The trend has seen stores ration products, with U.K. retailers limiting sales of hand hygiene products while Australian shoppers have seen restrictions on the amount of toilet paper they can buy.

51 Comments on Here’s why people are panic buying and stockpiling toilet paper to cope with coronavirus fears

  1. Panic buying of TP in the USA is predominantly because households in the USA do not have a bidet.

    Otherwise, folks might just buy non-perishable foods.

    Or, it’s just because half the people in the USA are just really stupid. (which explains why democrats exist).

  2. ‘non-perishable food’? … you mean like imperishable McD’s fries?

    Note to Self: when the SHTF, check under the car seats for all those dropped tasty, tasty fries

  3. Two days ago my wife panicked after talking to her Mom and sister on the phone and forced me to sit down with her and make a shopping list of things we absolutely needed if we got sick. I went though the medicine cabinet and grocery shelves and identified things I felt we would need if we couldn’t get to the store if bedridden, but only non-perishables that we would use up within 6-12 months. Her anxiety subsided. She then insisted that I leave work early the next day so we could shop together. I agreed to, but didn’t think it was necessary. We met at the store and went though the list, filling one shopping cart in about an hour (~$100 worth). She seemed extremely pleased with herself and relieved. One thing that was not on the shelves was hand sanitizer wipes. I don’t ever recall us having these except when our kids were still in diapers 20+ years ago. I noticed a guy come out of the back of the store with a pallet of Clorox wipes and suddenly dozens of people rushed toward the pallet and tore into the cartons. It was amazing to watch.
    When we got home I found SIX tubs of wipes on the counter. I bet a year from now there will still be 5-1/2 dried-out tubs in the pantry. I saved the receipt, so maybe I can return the unopened five tubs in about a month…

  4. I stopped by the same store today after work to pick up one item that we had missed the other day and it was a disaster. Mobbed with people and mostly empty shelves.

  5. I was in the grocery store today (in Utah) to mail a couple of letters. NOTHING in the toilet paper/paper towel aisle, no bottled water and no milk. I sneezed while walking down one aisle and a couple of ladies hit the floor! Crazy times!

  6. “In the U.S., people are receiving conflicting messages from the CDC and the Trump administration,” he said. “When one organization is saying it’s urgent and another says it’s under control, it makes people worry.”

    Pardon me, but this is a load of crap.

    Half the executives at the CDC are on the WH Corona Virus Task Force. It’s their messages that are being given from the WH podium every day.

  7. True Panic buying (or intelligent stock-piling) would be ammo.
    If you’ve got the fire power you can get whatever you need in any societal setting.
    (Reference north African countries – Somalia, Ethiopia, etc. Those with guns rule the supply.)

  8. Schools in Washington are still serving free breakfast and lunches to people who already got food stamps to buy groceries with. Some individuals are too Goddamned lazy to even pour out cornflakes and milk for their offspring

  9. Lazlo’s younger brother Leipzig called and requested sage advice. I advised his dumb ass and that miscreant middle child Leopold to wait a week or so and reap the benefits as Toilet Paper will return because Truckers could give a shit about that Chinee bullshit virus.
    I advised him to remember the great bargains his older brother found a week after Y2K.

  10. I am a victim of a warehouse club. Whenever we’d go to warehouse club (3 to 5 times per annum) I’d get vase of wifey TO and case of me TP. This went on for 5 years until a vast depot dump of TP rested in house.
    That meant, in a way, that I didn’t have to buy TP for like 3 years.
    I rejoiced.
    Until last week when i noticed we had three rolls of wifey TP left and two rolls of me TP.
    Meh. Now I had to do something. I went to store one, no TP. I went to store 2, no TP. At the local Dollar General they had TP out the ass. So I bought a shitload.
    I apologize for the two puns.

    Ps- I already have ammo out the ass. Yep, a shitload.

  11. I hope to walk into a small town grocery store, stumble about a bit, groan loudly, then shit on their floor and leave.

    I’m not sick, mind you. Not in the body, anyway.

    THAT is the stuff legends are born of.

  12. Just got done watching an hour of television (Bluebloods). Two toilet paper commercials. Don’t know if they were trying to be funny or cruel.🤔 I expect to see the price for toilet paper and disinfectant to go up and remain higher because of this nonsense.

  13. I know this black guy from the gym, older, wears a MAGA hat half the time I see him. Big booming voice, excellent sense of humor. Last weekend he was in a check out line behind me at the grocery store laughing and joking with the cashier about the store being out of toilet paper when he announced at the top of his lungs, Dear White people, stop buying all the damn toilet paper”. Hilarious. He embarrassed the hell out of his wife.

  14. The left keeps trying to shove the ingesting of insects down our throats as a food source and I’m thinking they are orchestrating shortages on purpose. Permanent “meatless Mondays”, but all-the-bugs-you-can-eat every day! Yay!

  15. In Alaska we are frequently advised- nothing to do with Corona – to always have about two weeks’ supply of food on hand in the event of a large earthquake (because most of our food is imported and there could be delays for the ferries).

    It is also a sad reality that even though I actually love food shopping, I go up and down and at times can’t bring myself to do it. That was the case for a couple of weeks before last Monday. I heard about shortages and didn’t want to end up with nothing when I just wanted my usual top up. I had already gotten TP, and the TP panic hadn’t become a thing yet, so I didn’t buy any more. I would rather not be without TP when what we have is used up, but I’m not going to waste energy freaking over it because, unappealing as they may be, there are other options. We can do it.

    It’s *food* I don’t wanna get caught flat footed on, but I picked up a few items and we’re good. However, my son, who was meant to go to Italy and Greece during Spring Break (school district cancelled), is now home for two more weeks until April (district extended break), so hopefully he won’t boredom eat us out of house and home.

  16. I watch my little dog during our morningly quest for cottontail, he will hunch over and squeeze off about half his body weight in poo and continue our journey hardly missing a stride. No cleanup, no paper, no mess. I once asked him how, what is the secret? He answered “Ya just gotta keep movin, man!”

  17. My Petey B and I don’t ever have to worry about running out of toilet paper. On the first anniversary of him giving me my first rim job, we invested in one of those French toilets that shoots water straight up your ass at butt ramming speed. I giggle like a little schoolgirl every time I flush that brown downtown!

  18. Yeah, like TP is going to “save your life,” dirtball.

    The Romans used to use a sponge on a stick.

    Now, I’m not telling where, but my Safeway this morning had full milk and egg shelves. I mean, stuffed full. I was out of milk, so was pleased to see a complete selection. In fact, other than being low on paper products and and about half-stocked with meat, the store was stocked normally with everything else. And I saw just a handful of other shoppers. It’s been like that at this Safeway the whole time. They are rationing TP and hand sanitizers.

  19. So…….. exactly how much TP do people need? I’m waiting for the panic buying to subside. Yet I can’t help but notice that there’s still none left.

    The hell are you people doing? Building play forts out of 40 cases of mega rolls?

    When the paramedics do eventually come to your house,, will they be able to find you? Will they need a map to get through the TP labyrinth?

    Also, when this is over, I plan on TPing like…12-15 houses.

  20. …the genesis of the toilet paper shortage is simpler than that.

    1) Denocrat lying has everyone so scared , if one person sneezes, the dozen closest to him shit themselves.

    2) That dozen people need a lot of toilet paper to clean un.

    3) Pattern repeats nationwide.

  21. I have north of two hundred pounds of brats, Italian, summer sausage, kielbasa, burger and steaks, chops and roasts in the deep freeze. The pantry is stocked and that is just me being me. The meat is all deer and elk. As for toilet paper, dearly departed mom couldn’t pass up a bargain on the premium stuff. I won’t have to purchase any for a couple years or more. I have a Costco pack of Kirkland that I bought a year ago and have half of it left for my use. My two girls love the Mr Whipple stuff mom bought, so I reserve it for their use in the upstairs bathroom. We could bunker in this place for the better part of a couple years and not suffer much.

    I’m not a prepper or anything like that, but when I buy things that are not perishable, I buy them in bulk. The thing that would kill me is eggs and the kids like their milk, butter and ice cream bars.

  22. far as modern bidets go…

    …one day a man in Tokyo on business felt nature call, but though there were 2 one-holer public toilets available, the MEN’S toilet was out of order.

    His need being urgent and the ladies’ being vacant and lockable, he elected to use the she-shitter.

    Once inside, he was greeted by the most modern of bathrooms, which, once his urgency was relieved, he looked around to appreciate. While still seated, he noted three discrete buttons on the wall next to the throne; W, A, and ATR.

    …given that his main business was concluded, he decided to experiment a bit. First, he pressed the button marked “W”. A jet of water shot out inside the bowl, precisely targeted to thoroughly wash his undercarriage.

    “Wow, that was nice. I feel so CLEAN! What’s the NEXT one do?!?”

    So he pressed the “A” button.
    A column of warm air blew gently from somewhere in the bowl, completely drying his neither regions.

    “MAN, this is SWEET!”, he exclaimed, “These chicks have it MADE! I can’t WAIT to see what the NEXT one does!”

    So he pressed the “ATR” button.

    …Later, at the hospital, he awoke completely disoriented and frantically called for the nurse to find out what happened. The doctor came in instead, and asked the man if he remebered what happened. The man did not, and demanded to know why he was there.

    The doctor explained, ‘”ATR” means Automatic Tampon Remover.

    Your dick is under your pillow.’

  23. Why? Because 320 grit while efficient, using it makes people grumpy. I think it’s the one sheet option Sheryl Crow was promoting a few years back

    fwiw, my wife stopped at a few stores, Krogers, Aldi and Walmart, on the way home, said the produce and TP shelves were near empty.

  24. Well. I had to go out again because my mom and a few others were panicking…

    So I hit the store and EVERYTHING was gone.
    So I panicked a little but then decided to fuck it and just buy double the amount of the usual non perishables if I could find em.

    I also grabbed a few cases of the little milk cartons you don’t need to refrigerate just to be sure.

    Now I didn’t even want to do this but everyone has gone mad and I need to make sure that my mom and housemates have food! It’s ridiculous.

    Also the checkout lady was like “do you bulk shop every week???” (Because I had just been there 6 days ago but for other stuff and okay I should have bought it all then I know)

    I just tuned her out and shrugged because what else am I gonna say?
    I’m a 27 year old women doing ‘preemptive disaster’ shopping for technically two different households so I guess it looks weird no matter what. 🙄

  25. Now you understand why the military and first responders train the panic response to the point you can function in a crisis. Panic is the normal human emotion to fear. Ironically the military and first responders turn fight over flight into a group norm so you can function under the stress of fear. That’s why we call them firefighters…

    It takes years of training and discipline to convert the flight response in your lizard brain to a fight response but the professions still attract a fair share of individuals who are wired a bit different but unlike Hollywood it’s not the fear but how you are trained to overcome it.

    That’s why rooks and boots are put through such hell, you have to know you can trust them with your life.

    Didn’t mean to turn TP into a convo on courage but know you know why I get so visceral with those who criticize men and women they could never hope to emulate.

    Imagine what it was like to serve in the military and first response under the Magic Half Negro, I can tell you from experience it was hell. That bastard was committed to destroying us and almost pulled it off.

  26. Watched China and Europe CV news during January-February. Figured that when it got here the panic whackos would be
    going at it. Each normal shopping trip I bought 2 dozen rolls TP and Paper towels along with some extra long shelf-life foods. That stopped early this week when I saw the
    food store lines at 8 AM. Turned around, went home and
    enjoyed the Lazy Boy recliner.

  27. Stopped in to visit my Amish friends yesterday.
    I explained to them what foolishness was going on in the “English” world, and they said they’ve been panic buying TP ever since they stopped printing the Sears catalogue.

  28. The only thing the fearful, easily manipulated sheeple are doing is making it hard for those who aren’t panic stricken who are just trying to get cat food and peanut butter.

  29. If you believe in AGW, Obamacare, Democrats, Russia-Russia-Russia, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, ANTIFA, MSM Fake News or Transgender men are women, you will believe in anything.

  30. I picked up a little extra of several things a month ago so I wouldn’t have to put up with the shit show I figured was coming.
    What is the shelf life of bum wipe?


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