Terrifying Islamic tactics being used to conquer Sweden – IOTW Report

Terrifying Islamic tactics being used to conquer Sweden

“Since 2016 there is a crime called ‘robbery against young people”, before that, it didn’t even exist – now it has doubled in three years’
– Ingrid Carlqvist

RAIR: In an exclusive interview with RAIR Foundation USA, author and journalist, Ingrid Carlqvist, details the concept of “dominance culture”, by Muslim migrants in Sweden.

This happens in two different ways. One of which would be terrorizing non-muslims, with thuggery and intimidation, and recently, with humiliation directed at indigenous Swedish people. But also asserting dominance through the political process.

This has been a frequent theme in Ingrid’s regular podcasts and in that time, what began with gang shootings and a spate of explosions, now includes sadistic crimes committed against young Swedes, both male and female.

Carlqvist asserts Sweden’s ruling party, the Social Democrats, refuse to actually solve this problem despite widespread outcry from the public. See more

15 Comments on Terrifying Islamic tactics being used to conquer Sweden

  1. It’s sad, but the Swedes did this to themselves. They had this stupid idea the their progressive ideology was so correct that anyone exposed to it would convert and assimilate.

    Boy were they ever wrong.

  2. Have all the Swedish men been castrated? This is what feminism wants, but have they allowed it? If they have, too bad, so sad, off to the knacker’s with you steers. On the other hand, if there are still un castrated Swedish men, GET AFTER IT FELLOWS, your and your women’s lives depend on it!

  3. Swedish citizens are fed up with Politicians imposting dangerous migration on their communities and the left-wing media calling them “racists” and “fascists” for objecting to it.

    No. They’re not. And if you insist “you’d rather die, for your faith, than live for the truth”… I don’t, for a fleeting glimmer of a moment, disagree. If “you’d rather die, for your faith, than kill for your life”… are? why? are you still here?

  4. Are Swedish men really a bunch of pussies? I don’t feel sorry for them, they allowed this to happen. It’s now fight or flight, and I know which route they will end up taking. Sad.

  5. Don’t mock the Swedes too hard, we are all running close behind – drug by our baizuo leaders.

    There’s a problem with organizing to fight, when our leaders are baizuo –
    “They brought it on themselves by inviting them in” and / or “They brought it on themselves by fighting back”.

    The important thing is to support all others in this fight, and the sooner the better. Decades of tolerance for moslem attacks because of our excuses has VALIDATED THEIR TACTICS – invalidating them will be painful.

    We let the baizuo cucksocker leadership throw Israel to the wolves, and the wolves saw our leaders were weak and stupid. And easy to bribe.

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