An Open Letter to Facebook Friends who Support Bernie Sanders – IOTW Report

An Open Letter to Facebook Friends who Support Bernie Sanders

You aren’t voting only for “free college”.


Dear Facebook Friends,

Mark, you sent me educational materials insisting that Bernie Sanders is a socialist, not a communist. Communists are bad; socialists are good. You did not object as three of your friends called me an anti-Semite because I don’t support Bernie Sanders. Yes, the same Bernie Sanders who dubbed anti-Semite Ilhan Omar “One of the greatest people I know” is suddenly the poster boy for Jewish identity.

John, you posted a meme with a Harry Truman quote stating that “‘Socialism’ is a scare word they have hurled at every advance the people have made in the last 20 years.” Anyone who criticizes Bernie Sanders is part of some backward “they” who stands in the way of progress.

We Sanders critics are caricatures of Senator Joseph McCarthy. We are trying to start a new 1950s-style witch hunt, falsely accusing citizens of being communists, fomenting paranoia, ruining careers, sending innocents to the electric chair.

Or we are corporate shills, the privileged elite, perched on piles of ill-gotten gains, no doubt inherited from ancestors who were slave-owners and rapists-of-the-earth. We are greedy. We are bloated fat cats, hoarding the world’s wealth in our tightly clenched fists.

Sometimes Bernie Bros stereotype Sanders critics as warmongers. We are characters out of Dr. Strangelove. We are just fixing for a fight, and, fists raised, we want to punch ourselves some Russkies.

Sometimes you dress us in denim overalls and plunk a straw hat on our heads and stick a blade of grass between our lips. We are yokels, lumpen proletariat, Faux News addicts. We are brainwashed, and otherwise unwashed, knuckle-dragging hayseeds. We are the masses who vote against our own self-interest. Sanders himself echoed this line. Anyone who criticizes his socialism, he wrote, is a victim of the “tremendous political ignorance in this country created by the schools and the media.”

My friends, you post photos on Facebook that introduce me to your lives. These photos are replete with big porches begging for long, summer, Sunday afternoons, mountain ranges in alpenglow, expanses of pristine water punctuated by the paddles of canoes, and adorable granddaughters dabbling in finger paints. You post about books published and awards won. Somehow supporting Bernie Sanders christens you, economically successful and comfortable Americans, as spokespersons for and saviors of the masses, the working poor, the disenfranchised.

I, by contrast, am quite literally a coal-miner’s daughter. I live well below the poverty line in one of America’s most dangerous small cities. I post the latest record tally of police officers posed in action figure posture twenty feet from my window, my former-silk-mill apartment walls splashed with the hypnotic, throbbing red and blue lights from multiple police cars. I try to figure out what the police are here to address this time, another suicide off the Wayne Avenue Bridge or Garret Mountain’s cliff face, or heroin haul, or gun pulled in the bar across the street. See the rest here

8 Comments on An Open Letter to Facebook Friends who Support Bernie Sanders

  1. Forget about convincing a neurotic, a narcissistic or a criminal about anything.

    Those three types are the sleazebag sanders’ base.

    Just blow past them and leave them behind, letting them suffer to finally figure it out for themselves. That’s all they deserve.

  2. That is one very good letter! One that may not change the minds of people convinced that Bernie Sanders is the answer, but it may result in a few to start thinking about things in a new perspective. That perspective being the one that many of us are already aware of as a result of living thru it and being taught History when it was OK to teach real History! Many of us witnessed the communism of the old USSR and the East German block as well as simply being closer to the History and brutality of Lenin, Mao, Castro, Che, Idi Amin, etc. The HISTORY that is no longer taught in our schools – and that right there should frighten the Hell out of people! There is a reason for that, but nobody wants to confront it!
    This (still young) country was not built on Socialism or Communism. It became the richest, the most powerful, the most productive and generous nation on the planet due to competition, Capitalism, morals and principles, the likes of which that have NEVER been duplicated by tyrants, murderers, dictators and certainly NOT charlatans promising FREE SHIT with a cost so large they won’t put a price tag on it!!
    However the cost is known! A wise man once told us that cost will be a thousand years of darkness and that Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.

  3. A lengthy, but excellent read. Most likely wasted on those who need it. They lack critical thinking skills required for thoughtful debate, relying instead on marching protests and parroting redundant communist slogans their leader demands.

    It’s the same format used by BLM, antifa or the climate groups. Create a cause and the lemmings will follow.

  4. (reads first sentence, no more, enough to realize it isn’t an immediate agreement)

    -Mark@BernieBros. com(munist)

    (Emails Facebook for immediate deletion of @Danusha V. Goska’s account)

    (Emails Danusha V. Goska’s boss to get her fired)

    (Arranges for other Berntards to trash her car, rob her house, and threaten her family)

    (Doesn’t see the irony in any of this)

  5. I bookmarked this and saved it to a Word document. Powerful. Unfortunately, I know more than a few young voters who have been lulled into the fuzzy logic of Free Stuff. All of them are from what the Bernie Bros would consider the “privileged class”, too. But these young people don’t realize how very fortunate they are to have been born to and raised by parents who sought every advantage for their kids to help them become successful adults; and I’m not talking just materially. But the come-on promises of Communism’s “equality for all” is like those ads Fur just shared in the back pages of comic books.


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