NYT reporter: “disdain for and distrust of the media right now is worse than I’ve seen at any point throughout this presidency” – IOTW Report

NYT reporter: “disdain for and distrust of the media right now is worse than I’ve seen at any point throughout this presidency”

Legal Insurrection-

Can you feel it? I certainly do.

There is a rising fury at the blatant media exploitation and weaponization of the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic.

There is no better example of the shamelessness of the media than how “Wuhan coronavirus” or “Wuhan virus” or “Chinese coronavirus” have all been declared to be racist because used by Trump or Trump supporters.

Yet the same media-types themselves used the terms.

33 Comments on NYT reporter: “disdain for and distrust of the media right now is worse than I’ve seen at any point throughout this presidency”

  1. Where the hell has he been? “Can you feel it?” Been feelin it for a decade. And it’s more than disdain. I want them locked up or better yet put agains’t the wall.

  2. These people are being paid a great deal of money to convince you to give up your rights and let the government take complete control. That’s going to make a lot of us disgusted.

  3. Not a big surprise that the disdain referred to is among Trump/conservative supporters. I imagine if the same questions would be asked among Democrat/prog/liberals they’d answer on how fair and unbiased the MSM has been and they’d continue to act like the sheep they are.

  4. Like I’ve said before I don’t believe a damn word the lamestream media says about anything including the words A, And The. They brought this on themselves and now want us to believe that they’re not lying to us about everything. You made your filthy bed now lie down it and leave us the hell alone from your bile and baloney (malarkey) and bs.

  5. And now the Media wants to convince people that it’s someone’s else’s fault they suck for lying. Which is exactly what their Chi-Com owners told them to do.

  6. Disdain and distrust for the Bought & Paid For, Knee-Pad Media is pretty much the hallmark of the 21st century! That they have had a Liberal bent for an even longer time goes without saying, but it became overt and obvious to all during the 2000 hanging chad elections!

  7. The Main Stream Democrat Media has lost the war against the Main Stream American Citizen thanks to their incredible biases and prejudices. Just watching how they ignored the Clintons’ corruption and Obama’s incompetence, promoted the Russian Collusion Hoax and the Shampeachment, their refusal to challenge Dementia Joey’s obvious mental incompetence and now their attempts to blame the arrival of the contagious Wuhan Chicomavirus on President Trump’s Administration. We’re as mad as Hell and we’re not going to take it anymore!

  8. They are liars.
    They are not of high IQ.
    They are self-important and greedy and vain = Narcissists.
    They could give a rat’s ass about their ‘audience’.
    They don’t have ANY concern for the nation and its principles that make possible their choice to abuse their fellow man.

    Such sociopaths need to be ‘removed’ from society, by whatever means they themselves make necessary. Starve the monsters. Tune them out, for starters.

  9. What a perfect time for the Chi-Com Grunge to pop up! The Leftist Propaganda Ministry is having a field day politicizing it to their warped advantage!

  10. Right now, the enemedia is anxiously hoping that Coronavirus is not seasonal, and that it won’t fade in the Spring and Summer, because that would kill their panic narrative. CNN is pointing to infected Australia and Singapore as possible proof that warm weather won’t help. CNN tails to mention that both places are lousy with Chinese, like Italy, and have been for years.

    The enemedia wants us to have no hope, truth or perspective when we need it most. They are evil scum.

  11. With the Democrat Media Mafia ratings so low you would expect they are losing advertisers, losing money.
    Yet they continue their ways.
    They must be getting paid.
    I’d love to know how their dishonesty and bias are actually money makers.

  12. “… disdain for and distrust of the media …”

    Kind of a funny way to say (write): “Searing hatred, revulsion, and disgust for the lying, thoroughly disreputable, completely despicable, irremediable, unequivocally dishonest, inarguably corrupt, caught out time and again, propagandistic media.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  13. You would think that as reporters, these media folks would have discovered this story way before now. Being oblivious to what is going on is another reason to distrust these people.

  14. You probably saw this a Babylon Bee this week: “CNN’s Ratings Collapse As Coronavirus Fears Empty American Airports”

    Honestly, friends, if you haven’t yet cut your addiction to cable tee vee, do it now. For your sake and the sake of our nation. 🙂 I promise you won’t miss it at all.

  15. AA – and cut your addiction to Amazon, Apple, Google, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tik Tok and all the rest. Stop doing banking on your phone. Install Malwarebytes on all your computers. Run full scripting control on all your browsers (e.g. NoScript, eMatrix, etc.)

    Stop letting all these companies track you! Remember, Google is the primary reason China has a full-blown, nation-wide, punitive social credit system that is tied to all phones, all computers, all cameras, all microphones, all purchases an all travel.

    Kill Communism, Socialism and Globalism. Follow our Constitution AS LAW – or GET THE FUCK OUT.

  16. I’ve surpassed mistrust; moved beyond distain; entered into white-hot hate territory. If one more of these cunts tries to push Chinese mandated talking points, I’m going to strongly consider tracking down someone on “Journ-O-List” and beat them to death with a 2×4. Today, some asshole from WaPo went on TV to say that COVID-19 is more likely to kill Republicans. JFC.

  17. JIMMY


    I had Malwe on my earlier machines. Worked well. Forgot about it on my new machine. UNTIL YOU REMINDED ME! Downloaded and installed it! Thank you


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