Hoboken, NJ Proves To Be Run By a Complete Moron – IOTW Report

Hoboken, NJ Proves To Be Run By a Complete Moron

The mayor, seemingly a moron, has restricted people to venture outside between 10PM and 5AM, unless they work or have an emergency, or walking a dog.

The reason for the curfew was to “prevent people from having house parties.”

Hopefully the coronavirus cooperates with the moron’s plans and doesn’t infect people when they are out and about outside of curfew hours.

(This is not the Andromeda Strain, Mr. Mayor)

Business Insider-

  • Hoboken, New Jersey, will implement a 10 p.m. curfew and restrict restaurants to takeout and delivery only amid the coronavirus pandemic.
  • Starting March 14, residents must remain in their homes unless there’s an emergency or they’re required to work at night, according to Mayor Ravinder Bhalla.
  • “I completely recognize that these measures will result in substantial changes and inconveniences to our daily lives,” Bhalla tweeted, adding that the rules were meant to “save lives & protect our residents.”
  • The restrictions appear to be the most drastic of any US city so far.

37 Comments on Hoboken, NJ Proves To Be Run By a Complete Moron

  1. People are in far more close quarter public situations during the daytime than during the nighttime.

    He should have restricted them to being out only from 10 pm to 3 am when most public places are closed if he wanted to reduce their exposure and the spread of the virus.

  2. RadioMattM
    MARCH 15, 2020 AT 1:10 PM
    “So the real reason for pushing this crisis is to get people used to having more and more of their lives controlled by government.”

    …the 3 words that are used to take more liberty and expand more tyranny than any others are “For Your Saftey”…

  3. …which begs the question of whether it counts as a “Coronavirus” death if the curfew causes your wife to kill you because she can’t listen to you whining about not being able to go down to the bar for one more second…

  4. In this state of Ohio there is now a ban on public gatherings of more than 100 people.

    My question is, when the crowd hits 101, who gets arrested? The 101st attendee? The entire crowd?

    If they round up all 101 attendees, do they put them in a small area together? Spray them with bleach? Tear gas? If arrested, what charge?

    This is all a trial run, folks. The shit the government is shoveling at us now is not only ineffectual, it is illegal.

    Mark my words: these affronts at our rights a liberties will carry on after the virus is gone. The government, be it local, state, fed, continue to condition us into flocks of sheep.

    Bleat at your own peril.

  5. …and they then blamed the subsequent outbreak on that guy who didn’t close his front door until 10:01, because the Coronavirus is like the Angel of Death and immediately jumped him for not being behind his lamb’s blood-smeared lintel at the appointed hour…

  6. …so tell me, has the famously infected Tom Hanks died yet?


    …then it must not be as dire S they CLAIM it is…

    …tell me when THAT guy dies. I REALLY want to see how down they are to keep this lie going…

  7. Hunh. Have we been misreading it for all these centuries?

    ā€œLet the one with understanding reckon the meaning of the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. His number is Sikhs Sikhs Sikhs.ā€

  8. ā€œ…the 3 words that are used to take more liberty and expand more tyranny than any others are ā€œFor Your Safety…ā€

    Used to be 3, SNS, but now itā€™s Sikhsā€”I mean, six:

    ā€œOut of an abundance of caution…ā€

  9. flip
    MARCH 15, 2020 AT 1:32 PM

    “In this state of Ohio there is now a ban on public gatherings of more than 100 people.”

    …which is also in the “stand on one foot and double take three times” category in terms of epidemiology.

    I mean, what’s it supposed to DO? A virus won’t spread in a group of 100, but WILL with 101? Every 101st person is infected, so THAT guy is eliminated this way? Thanos won’t use his Coronavirus death snap as long as we have under a hundo?

    …this is just pure peasant control and nothing else. Just a RINO Governor getting his Democrat Nazi on in the run-up to an election, hoping it will piss people off at Trump so he can get back to surrendering to Democrat rulers again…


  10. To be a strong example to the human populace and help alleviate their fears over COVID-19, I am going to start using the air dryer in public restrooms (ESPECIALLY at rest areas where I’ve had the gayest of gay sex in those stalls!) to dry my unbleached elastic starfish after using the toilet to help keep it as germ-free as possible. You all can thank me later. And be sure to say “Hi!” if we ever cross paths during a road trip bathroom break!

  11. Chasten’s unbleached…

    You are a true hero! A environmental leader and a shining example to all!

    Your efforts shall serve as a selfless example of conserving toilet paper for the less limber in society.
    The reduction of waste to the landfills of America will surely garner you the love and admiration of Greta Thunberg!

    You sir, shall be hailed through the ages, as an innovator and a patriot!

    I AM in AWE!

  12. @flip, totally with you. When I first heard about limitations on crowds, say ā€œno more than 250,ā€ I was like, ok so 250 is dangerous but 249, no sweat.


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