Mexico closing schools for 1 month to combat coronavirus – IOTW Report

Mexico closing schools for 1 month to combat coronavirus

Get this, Mexico is also considering closing their border to the U.S. so we don’t impact their country.

What if we just jump the border?


Mexico has 41 confirmed coronavirus cases as of Saturday, according to the Mexican health authorities.

During the break from school, students are asked to practice social distancing, physically avoiding other people, in an effort to prevent the spread of the virus, Mexican health officials said.


I practiced social distancing before it was a thing. Most people have MORONa virus.

Need proof? Where is all the toilet paper?

6 Comments on Mexico closing schools for 1 month to combat coronavirus

  1. With the efficiency of the Mexican healthcare system, and and the average peoples access to it, there’s no telling how many cases it actually has.

    My guess is far more there than here in percent of the population, mostly due to their overall living conditions and low quality hygiene standards.

  2. Well cut mah legs off and call me Shorty. Mexico has schools?

    Anonymous, when over half the population is living in our country, you can keep the infection rate relatively low.


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