Florida: Miami Beach Commissioner suggests infecting first responders: ‘take one for the team’ – IOTW Report

Florida: Miami Beach Commissioner suggests infecting first responders: ‘take one for the team’

LET: MIAMI BEACH, FL- When I was in the academy, one of my recruit training officers use to tell our class:

“Never miss an opportunity to keep your mouth shut.”

Similarly, a famous quote often attributed to Mark Twain says:

“It’s better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt”

Unfortunately for Miami Beach Commissioner Ricky Arriola, no one ever gave him this type of advice.

At an emergency City Commission meeting this week to discuss plans and procedures in the event of a COVID-19 breakout in their community, Arriola missed the opportunity to keep his mouth shut, and instead removed all doubt about what’s inside his head.

The commissioner made a comment, and he was completely serious when saying it, that was just so incredibly ridiculous that I didn’t believe he actually said it when I read about it.

But, again unfortunately for Commissioner Arriola, his words will forever be held in the magic of technology and the elusive cloud.

Here’s what he said:

“Might we start thinking about — it’s dangerous but bold… our first responders voluntarily taking one for the team, going through the two weeks — guys, we’ve got to be serious about this — and then developing the immunity?”

I’m not making it up, I swear.  Watch for yourself:

13 Comments on Florida: Miami Beach Commissioner suggests infecting first responders: ‘take one for the team’

  1. My 18 year old actually said (just a few minutes ago) that she was willing to be infected for the $ 7,000 someone was offering to gin up test subjects – then said “I wouldn’t have to worry about the virus after that…”

  2. We are going to find out that this is a variant of the common cold and this is the biggest ginned-up hoax since Trump colluded with the Kremlin, Kavanaugh did his gang-raping, and Martians landed in NYC.

  3. A bit off topic, but in California in particular, what is the effect of the homeless problem on COVID-19? They don’t practice social distancing, they are diligent if they wash their hands once a week, and a lot of them have other medical conditions including rampant substance abuse.

    I would think that this would be a giant petri dish for this type of disease.

  4. …so, logically, you’d have to dedicate this team and this unit to COVID patients ONLY, taking it out of service for everyone ELSE lest the infected crew become a carrier vector…

    …and, since you don’t KNOW if the run is COVID, as an ambulance is not typically treated to DIAGNOSED illnesses, you never know what to send it to…

    …we used to have a VERY large shopping mall in my district, and in that mall was a VERY large grocery store with a VERY poorly designed manual pull alarm system. Because of this, we were there a LOT, and because of the size and concomitant potential life hazard, we had to bring the WHOLE house party EVERY TIME.

    …one time, while we were waiting to be sent back to quarters from the latest mistaken drop, an older woman came up to our unit in the parking lot, a shiny, newer Grumman aerial platform truck with a 100′ hydraulic ladder (yes, THAT Grumman. They got bored during the Clinton administration and made firetrucks for a couple of years), and the biggest, prettiest red truck you’d ever see without a tiller steer, festooned with lights like a late ’70s disco, wearing massive amounts of tools and ladders on its back, and obviously QUITE expensive.

    She came up to us next to this rolling showcase of the then-best firefighting technology that money could buy, and asked what we were about, what with the Macy’s parade in front of her car and all, but everyone just standing around smoking cigarettes (that was OK then, too, it was a freer nation with the Clintons just getting started).

    Nothing loathe, we told her the “public record” parts, that we had recieved an alarm from the store, found it was an accidental activation, everything was fine, and we were just awaiting authorization to depart.

    …ingesting this news, she surveyed our collection of glistening escapees from St. Patrick’s Day escort duties loosely semicircled around this Percheron of pumpers like proud older sisters presenting a debutante at a ball, squinched up her face, and asked…

    “Well, why don’t you send only the OLDEST truck to the false alarms?

    She was deadly serious, too.

    …It being rude to laugh at old ladies and doubly so at taxpayers when discussing the disposition of City assets they need to VOTE to support, no one DID laugh, although most turned and left quickly while making strangling sounds as others visibly bit their cheeks as their faces puckered up (me included), it was left to our Engineer to explain in an unusually pitchy voice that it was because we couldn’t KNOW which were the false alarms and so had to respond to each and every one as though it were a daycare center full of gasoline-soaked children striking matches (HE put it more diplomatically, but that’s the gist), and could not legally, morally, or ethically attempt to so calibrate the response until a responder got there which, because of the proximity of the mall to the firehouse, was usually AFTER the trucks rolled anyway. (We did not trust police to evaluate for us for the same reason they couldn’t trust US to size up an active shooter scene for them. Different professions see things differently, so it HAD to be one of OUR guys).

    …throwing us a final, suspicious glance, and probably triggered by the unsucessfuly hidden displays of mirth, she hobbled off in a huff and most certainly voted against the next fire levy.

    …what this fellow is proposing is on a par with that, but without the excuse of advanced age or lack of public service to help justify it. While it’s despicable that he suggests that the lives of responders are somehow less valuable than his own, given the hysteria and incorrect information floating around lately due to the Demipanic, it’s understandable that he could think that immunology works that way.

    I don’t worry about Govenment ignorace. They are ALL ignorant.

    I only worry about it if it’s ACTED upon.

    And this wasn’t.

    Use this in the next election, but don’t worry about it otherwise.

    Trust me, he ain’t getting no takers…

  5. according to a theory I just read, the homeless aren’t getting the wuhan flu because it is apparently spread by toilet paper (it all comes from china).

    fakt chek’d too
    pee’er reviewed

  6. Like Boris Johnson’s idea of ‘just hoping for herd immunity’ before the (much bigger) fall recurrence, it’s an idea that should be considered.

    It’s like a firebreak – if more people are immune when the big one comes, then maybe we
    that’s where the danger is, that’s what is happening to Italy right now.

    With the recurrence risk, maybe it’s not a good idea, but its worth discussing – AMONG EPIDEMIC EXPERTS.

  7. I have hear of this concept before.

    If the theory works and people cannot be re-infected it would take about 6 weeks. I am only an Idiot, but they have been saying 2 weeks to see if it develops,2 weeks to cycle through, and 2 weeks before you can’t infect others) That is 6 under the old math that no longer is taught.

    What the Idiot does not get is, Who will provide care & emergency services if they are at home testing this theory.

    I would bet that there would be a few different types of Vaccine available by the Fall if you believe in modern medicine and using them. I actually do. When people put their mind to it we can get things done quicky.

    Please correct me if I am wrong.


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