ISIS Warns Jihadis To Avoid “the land of the epidemic” – IOTW Report

ISIS Warns Jihadis To Avoid “the land of the epidemic”

Fox News

After years of urging its terrorists to attack major European cities, ISIS is now advising them to steer clear due to the coronavirus, according to reports.

ISIS’ al-Naba newsletter contains “sharia directives” urging its healthy members not to enter “the land of the epidemic” to avoid becoming infected, the New York Post reported Sunday. More

10 Comments on ISIS Warns Jihadis To Avoid “the land of the epidemic”

  1. Hey Achmed.
    What Khumar?
    Does your Goat meat taste like shit?
    No Khumar! You are eating with the wrong hand!

    Hey Acmed.
    What Khumar?
    Do you like the taste of this new desert bar?
    Here Kumar! I will give you half of my DOVE for Half of your ZEST!

  2. I’m a little surprised at that. Seems like right now would be a perfect time to launch terror attacks. Society can barely handle one crisis at a time, much less two or more.


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