The CDC was Fighting Racism and Obesity Instead of Stopping Epidemics – IOTW Report

The CDC was Fighting Racism and Obesity Instead of Stopping Epidemics

Sultan Knish: The Centers for Disease Control has a $6.6 billion budget and one job which it messes up every time.

The last time the CDC had a serious workout was six years ago during the Ebola crisis. Back then CDC guidelines allowed medical personnel infected with Ebola to avoid a quarantine and interact with Americans until they showed undeniable symptoms of the disease. There were no protocols in place for treating the potentially infected resulting in the further spread of the disease inside the United States.

At the height of the crisis, confidence in the CDC fell to 37%. Meanwhile, CDC personnel had managed to mishandle Ebola virus samples, accidentally sending samples of the live virus to CDC labs. And the heads of the health bureaucracy blamed the lack of funding for their failure to have an Ebola vaccine.

The self-quarantine measures adopted in response to the coronavirus outbreak are partially a response to the lessons of the Ebola disaster.

But during the Ebola crisis, Democrats tried to shift responsibility from the Obama administration by blaming Republicans for cutting the CDC’s budget from $6.5 billion to $5.9 billion. Sound familiar? Where do those billions for the CDC actually go? Among other things, pushing gun control. The terrible budget deal from December allocated $25 million to the CDC and NIH to study gun violence.

During the Ebola crisis, the CDC had been spending a mere $2.6 million on gun violence studies. But the CDC has a history of wasting money on everything from a $106 million visitor’s center with Japanese gardens, a $200K gym, a transgender beauty pageant, not to mention promoting bike paths. read more

20 Comments on The CDC was Fighting Racism and Obesity Instead of Stopping Epidemics

  1. Thats what governments do world wide, we’re no better, they just tell us we are to keep us happy and content (cows). But when the rubber hits the road it blows out.

  2. Not only racism and obesity, they were funding tranny beauty contests, deviant sex education, just about every abominable thing you can imagine. But if we cut the money to them, they claim we’re cutting the budget to help fight serious disease.


  3. @ Sonny Beach MARCH 17, 2020 AT 8:43 AM

    The trouble makers have self identified by posting their preferred pronouns in their signature block in their email account. We know who they are, the problem is how to weed them out.

  4. Ratfink, I remember the first reference to hearing the term 69 was watching the awful movie Billy Jack back in 1970 when I was 17. I didn’t know what it meant back then. And Billy Jack is one movie I truly hate with a passion, if you want to know about the 60’s it’s the movie to watch or in my case never again. I also hate the song One Tin Soldier by Coven that was used as the theme song for that movie. And Wild In The Streets from about 67 or 68 was worse. My best friends dad who was an old school FBI agent and a very strong Catholic absolutely forbade him from seeing Wild In The Streets at the time.

  5. Also left unsaid is that it was the cdc that completely screwed up the virus testing. There were plenty of test kits available, but the cdc and their ‘not invented here’ mentality didn’t like them and designed their own. Then it was a massive fustercluck as they couldn’t get them manufactured. We see endless stories about no testing in the US and the msm never tells why. They just hope that people assume it’s trump that is fucking it up.

  6. I hope that Trump does a thorough cleaning of the CDC replacing the political appointments with actual qualified and non-political staff. Maybe their mandate has to be rewritten to ensure that no politically motivated programs are run that conflict with the mandate.

  7. What you find out is that every stinkin’
    govt. agency from my little town all the way up
    is nothing more than a place for stupid people
    to have a job that pays 2X the private sector
    with Cadillac bennies. They don’t actually do
    anything but peck on a key board in a cubical.

  8. The CDC should be streamlined and exiled to Dugway Proving Ground. They have a very modern Level 3+ facility (that’s a Level 4, but stopping short of labeling it as such, for political considerations). Not that DPG hasn’t had its hiccups, but at least it isn’t in the middle of a large metropolitan area.

  9. So essentially what needs to happen is the Trump Admn needs to purge the CDC- reduce it’s spending and repurpose the entire goal of the organization.

    Wow thanks so much, Obama.
    Nothing says preventing illness and deadly diseases like transgender birthday parties and homoeroticism.


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