Biden Promises ‘No More Drilling’ Under His Presidency – IOTW Report

Biden Promises ‘No More Drilling’ Under His Presidency

WFB: Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden said Sunday he would prevent oil companies from drilling as part of his effort to combat climate change.

“No more subsidies for the fossil fuel industry,” he said at the CNN debate. “No more drilling on federal lands. No more drilling, including offshore. No ability for the oil industry to continue to drill, period. Ends.”

Biden hasn’t called for an all-out ban on oil drilling before, which would have a radical, negative effect on the U.S. energy industry. READ MORE

15 Comments on Biden Promises ‘No More Drilling’ Under His Presidency

  1. “…which would have a radical, negative effect on the U.S….”

    …you can stop right THERE and its EVERYTHING Democrats do, and on PURPOSE, too.

    They hate us.

    HATE us.

    They ARE doing everything in their power to destroy us, and will continue to do so unless THEY are destroyed.

    And I don’t see that happening.

    …this will continue, maybe NEXT time with a REAL disease, since they’ve shown their Muslim bedfellows how EASY it is to wreck this Country with nothing more than a scary lie and a compliant media.

    NEXT time, people WILL die.

    …IF we survive THIS one, that is…

  2. Truly one of the worst politicians I’ve ever seen. He’s got the idiot vote already, it would behoove him to at least pay lip service to energy independence.

    I still find it hard to believe the dem PTB are going to go with this guy.

  3. I think what he’s saying is that he’s digging a hole for himself so deep that no one else will need to drill for anything.

    High speed rail! Let’s all hop on that straphanging, coronavirus packed ride to the late 19th century.


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