Biden blowout victory in Florida leaves Sanders with no path to nomination – IOTW Report

Biden blowout victory in Florida leaves Sanders with no path to nomination

Wa Examiner- Joe Biden crushed Bernie Sanders in Florida, adding to a series of decisive wins that leaves the Vermont senator with no realistic path to securing the Democratic presidential nomination.

Several outlets called the state for the former vice president as soon as final polls closed. At 8 p.m. EST, with 62% of precincts reporting, Biden had 60.9% of the vote, while Sanders had 22.6%.

Despite the state accounting for 219 nominating delegates to the Democratic National Convention, neither candidate visited the state in person in the days before the primary due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Instead, Biden had “virtual town halls” via video conference and Sanders held a digital “fireside chat.” Normal campaign operations were also interrupted, with staff members working from home rather than going door-to-door to encourage voters to go to the polls. read more

13 Comments on Biden blowout victory in Florida leaves Sanders with no path to nomination

  1. The Dem’s will nominate Biden with Hillary or Mooch as VP. If he wins they will declare him incompetent and America will have it’s first female (sort of) President.

  2. Comrade Bernie threw the thing when, a week before Stupor Tuesday, he started spouting off about how great Castro was & said he wouldn’t go after Biden … he’s just a sell-out, like most commie-socialists

    where ya at, all you little Bernie Bro’s … gonna ‘burn it down’ wimps?

  3. @Txn4Evr – First off, your observation is more frightening than my favorite horror movies, but, it is true of Demoncrat politics. Joe is clearly a puppet and an incompetent one for certain. He will reap what he has sown, but, let’s be as sure as we can that Trump remains. God Save America!

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