Doctor’s Claim: We are 3-4 weeks from developing antibody treatment to ‘completely neutralize‘ coronavirus – IOTW Report

Doctor’s Claim: We are 3-4 weeks from developing antibody treatment to ‘completely neutralize‘ coronavirus

CFP: Distributed Bio co-founder and CEO Dr. Jacob Glanville revealed on “The Story with Martha MacCallum” tonight that his company’s laboratory is three to four weeks away from engineering a therapeutic antibody to combat the coronavirus.

“What my company is doing is adapting antibodies to recognize and neutralize the novel coronavirus. So this would … be sort of skipping what a vaccine does. Instead of giving you a vaccine and waiting for it to produce an immune response, we just give you those antibodies right away. And so within about 20 minutes, that patient has the ability to neutralize the virus.”

Glanville told MacCallum that once his colleagues are done engineering the antibodies they will send it to the U.S. military before eventually conducting a human study this summer.

“The completed drug is going to go to the USAMRIID [United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases]. So that’s the U.S. military and they’re gonna be testing it for its ability to neutralize the virus. more

6 Comments on Doctor’s Claim: We are 3-4 weeks from developing antibody treatment to ‘completely neutralize‘ coronavirus

  1. in 1990 we were “30 years” from widespread commercial fusion generated electricity too.

    Just tell us when it’s shipping.

    Sick to death of the “major announcement!”, and “details in a few days!” verbal prick teasing we’ve been subjected to since Trump took office. Not a perp walk at all despite the breathless assurances.

  2. Forgive me if I’m skeptical, but this guy is the owner of a company that will manufacture this drug. I think he may have an monetary incentive to make this claim. Just like all those ‘climate scientists’ who wind up in the money.

  3. If it’s already known to work, it needs to go in production NOW.

    The economic catastrophe is going from a slow motion train wreck to an irrecoverable, high-speed crash.

  4. @Jimmy March 20, 2020 at 1:52 pm

    > The economic catastrophe is going from a slow motion train wreck to an irrecoverable, high-speed crash.

    Glory unto thee, Saint Corona. For prayers I dare not, even, make. Thank you.

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