Harvard Students Demand Automatic Passing Grades Due to Wuhan Coronavirus – IOTW Report

Harvard Students Demand Automatic Passing Grades Due to Wuhan Coronavirus


Students at Harvard University are demanding that administrators adopt a temporary grading system that would automatically pass all students. They proposed the drastic change to the grading system in response to the Wuhan coronavirus crisis.

According to a report from the Crimson, students at Harvard University are fighting for a new grading system to protect students from difficult situations they may be encountering as a result of the Wuhan coronavirus crisis.

Student Benjamin I. Sorkin proposed a “universal pass” system for the spring semester. Sorkin argued that the system could help students that are academically disadvantaged during the virus crisis.

“Given the variety of conditions that students are facing right now at home — whether that’s limited internet access, or having to find a way to make money for the families, or the stress that having another individual in the household brings — it is my belief, and I think the belief in a lot of people in first-gen community, that there should be a different kind of grading accommodation for students during the semester,” Sorkin said in a comment to the student newspaper. read more

15 Comments on Harvard Students Demand Automatic Passing Grades Due to Wuhan Coronavirus

  1. Harvard has an endowment of over 30 billion dollars. Make the snowflakes earn their degree. Harvard can afford to make sure it costs them nothing but a little time. Fucking Ivy League shitheads!

  2. I can imagine a med school student demanding to essentially be able to skip a semester.
    Hmmm, or an engineer, or an architect. Or a plumber, fireman,…
    Yeah, about the only studies where you could be allowed a free pass would be ones leading to jobs where you say things like ‘do your want your cappuccino wet or dry?’, or ‘do you want fries with that?’

  3. “academically disadvantaged?”

    Huh? Y’mean “dumber than dogshit?”
    Just give em their pretend BAs and send em out the door.
    They’ll never be productive members of society, anyway; just more welfare parasites and “make work” pretend workers fucking up the lives of the poor.

    Starbucks is always on the lookout for Harvard graduates.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. What difference will that make? You are there to make connections of influence to grease the skids for a powerful position in either government or international corporations. You’ve done that by buying your way in the door so why bother with formalities?


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