Eye, Eye, Captain! – IOTW Report

Eye, Eye, Captain!

Images from:

1 Capt. Pat (Sparky)
2 TennDon (Green Heron Chicks) at Radnor Lake State Park last July
3 forcibly deranged (Kilo) Schrodinger’s cat
4 forcibly deranged (Logan) “I spy with my little eye…”
5 Marilyn (Bridget and Marble)
6 Marilyn (Rex)
7 Little Sis (Pistol)

Submit your critter pictures for an upcoming Sunday Critters. Please email them to:


They must be a picture you (or family/friend) took and are willing to have us publish them on this site. Do not send any images you found on the internet.

Use ‘Critters’ in the subject line. Include your screen name in the body of the email. Tell me the name of your critter so I can include it with your screen name. Let us know in the comments any other info you want to share!

NEEDED: If you send me pictures for any of the following themes, please tell me the name of the theme they are for.

  • April Fool’s Day Critters – Please have your pictures in to me by Friday Noon. – Critters acting foolish or critters acting funny.
  • Don’t You Wonder What They Are Thinking? – Critters pondering something or they are staring at something – Theme from Marco
  • Easter Critters – Critters and anything Easter


17 Comments on Eye, Eye, Captain!

  1. They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder – then there are some beautiful pictures there, Claudia. Thanks to you and those who submitted them.

  2. GOOD mornin’ everyone.

    The eyes have IT.

    Nice theme and detailed pics!

    @Little Sis – Pistol looks like how we look when we get to the toilet paper aisle…

    Thanks C!

  3. My Irish Terrier, Jameson, noticed that there wasn’t a single dog in that montage of photographs. Cats are great pets, but how many of them can chase a rabbit or tree a raccoon? Sure, dogs can’t purr, but cats can’t bark.

  4. Different Tim, I know what you mean. I was house bound a little over two weeks. The cats slept on my bed while I worked/played on my computer (I have a mini office in the corner of my bedroom), and follow me into the kitchen hoping to get a treat. I played with them and gave them scritches and lovin’.

    But, come time for my sister (Little Sis; who ‘owns’ the cats), they abandon me to sit at the door awaiting her return.

    I know they do that just because she feeds them when she gets home, but come on!

  5. Wendell Biff: Thanks for that hilarious cat video link. Jamieboy likes to watch old movies on the television. He is particularly fond of John Ford Westerns, because they have lots of barking dogs. He’s seen Shane so many times, that he knows Shane’s not coming back. His favorite movie is “The Quite Man” since it reminds him of the Old Country and there are lots of fights and plenty of drinking scenes.

  6. @ Wendell – I don’t usually post twice on Critters but THAT was HILARIOUS.

    I always get a kick out of the ear triangulation.

    THAT was a WFI – wait for it – vid. The leap at the end!

  7. Claudia – Love your Sunday Critters posts! My cats want to be fed all day long, now that I am home. They act like I didn’t feed them 20 minutes ago and won’t stop the crying and carrying on. LOL!

    Great Video Wendell. Cat deserves an Oscar!


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