U.S. Wuhan Virus Update – IOTW Report

U.S. Wuhan Virus Update

These are the latest numbers from the worldometers website.

Coronavirus Cases: 19,772

Deaths: 279

Recovered: 147


19,282 in Mild Condition

64 in Serious or Critical Condition


147 Recovered / Discharged

279 Deaths


Was crippling the economy for years to come worth it?

23 Comments on U.S. Wuhan Virus Update

  1. A must read from Karl Denninger:


    “You cannot identify what is and is not an “essential” business. Firms are interconnected. You will cause critical shortages. Some of them, by the time you figure them out, will leave you with a cold factory and, given this national insanity, no means to correct the problem before people die — maybe large numbers of people. Every one of those deaths shall be your personal, not just political, responsibility should they occur.”

    Surprisingly, so far, the State of Washington hasn’t done this. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that we don’t. Keep people working – smartly – and let the disease take it’s course. We’ll know by June in Washington, I think.

    Good luck to everyone.

  2. My point exactly.

    My thought would have been:
    1 everyone over 60 stays home ( since they are at more risk)
    2 the rest of us take the current precautions of washing & distancing
    3 military non fighting force to help deliver food & esentials
    4 younger people continue to work and support the economy
    5 money get sent very quickly to the over 60’s (they are all close to retirement age anyway) They come back to work when it peters out.

    This should have been started in January had the LYING MOTHERFUCKER CHINESE COMMIES been HONEST which they never have since MAO!
    Go ask Tibet if you don’t believe me.

    The same Tibet that BARACK & CLINTON ignored to improve relations with China.

    Protecting our elders, and caring for them as we younger people went into the corner to get the puck as we say up here!

    Instead, we have crippled all of ourselves and saddled the younger generation with even more debt.

    Mind you, the way they are pushing “Boomer Doomer”, coughing on vegetables, and partying, I can’t say that they don’t deserve a bit more stuggle in life!

    What a total FKN MESS!
    The same BARACK & CLINTON the YOGA pant Pacifists vote for!

  3. Remember when W was president and every day they would show the body count of the gulf war, with the total killed each year. Then when the Kenyan took office… crickets. People were still dying in the same war, but suddenly the coverage stopped. Wuhan is kind of like that. Did the press breathlessly cover every death from the flu when Barack the Great was in office?

  4. The only way to know if it is worth it is to wait until it is over. Hindsight is 20/20 (if you care to learn from history). Obama did nothing and he was praised, while tens of thousands died. Ford had everyone vaccinated and he was ridiculed for overreacting.

    We still have no idea how many have been infected or the distribution, and it won’t get much clearer for at least a couple more months. Italy is the worst case scenario, so far. Until things start tapering off there and we get a better idea of what the actual numbers are, the level of anxiety will only rise.

    I hope these new treatment options prove effective. That would calm things down rapidly.

    The conspiracy theorist in me thinks there is a possibility that some within the CCP made a calculated decision to wait for this to spread worldwide before letting the WHO push the panic button. They have the most populous country (barely) in the world. Losing a few hundred thousand, or even a few hundred million (mostly the old and infirm — a Fabian’s dream), to a disease that will cripple the global economy without firing a shot sounds like a bargain, if you are a callous socialist dictator — or the governing body of the EU, but I repeat myself.

  5. I think that I need to stop going to the Daily Mail. They have good photos but they thrive on worst case scenarios and exaggerating Trump failures and/or lying about them.

    What is happening now in NYC is scary and the comments on their main story are worse. 😢

  6. There is somethings so dark behind this. And I’m not talking about a virus. More people died slipping in the tub the last couple of months, then from this virus. But yet we give up our lives and freedom for a little security. Something very big, and permanent is coming from the left. I hope more people wake up before they’re allowed to do it.

  7. Interesting site, but no one has died from Covid-19, anywhere.
    Virus doesn’t kill.
    Getting a virus when you have respiratory problems, the respiratory problem can kill you.
    We should quarantine or isolate those with respiratory problems, not the rest of us and the economy.

  8. Leslie is correct, this was a deep state plan since the first China man slipped a virus tube into his socks in Canada…

    It solved the Hong Kong problem for the Chicoms by preventing mass protests while killing mostly men and solving the gender imbalance equation in China.

    It also gave the commies the excuse to round up and dispose of all dissent without the international stigma of mass arrests. Enforced quarantines that you never escape from are far more effective that prison camps.

    The added benefit was putting PDJT on his back foot and hiding the senile pervert Pedo Joe from the gen pop.

    Have no fear my friends, this last gasp from the global cabal will back fire soon.

    Our Almighty God has his hands over our President, no power or principality of Lucifer will stand against him.

  9. Over the same period some 38,500 have died of “regular” flu (CDC numbers: 22,000 to 55,000 – averaged).

    We’ve lost our fucking minds.

    More people have been struck by lightning than have died of Wuhan Flu.

    Ah, well …

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. Bingo to Leslie !!

    This is not the end of the world, though.
    It’s a test run to see how far these little tinpot dictators in places of power can push us.
    So far, we have failed.

  11. Nothing ails society which can be solely blamed on the Left. Everything that has gone wrong flows out of our shared fallen human nature. The Left simply sees opportunity in that, harnesses it, and puts it into policy for its own ends better than anyone else who tries it.

  12. In addition to the Worldmeter numbers I have been looking at this CDC page. Take a look at the chart near the bottom. The gray area on the right understandably has incomplete data – but to the left of the gray we are just now beginning to see a drop. If that continues the next few days then we will have proof.
    One caveat – note that the chart is currently based on about 2,200 cases out of more than 15,000. Not sure how that factors in.


  13. “Nothing ails society which can be solely blamed on the Left.”

    The dismal state of education? The “left” (which they aren’t – they’re totalitarians) adopted John Dewey’s philosophy, wedded it to Lenin’s maxim (give me a child to age 7 and I’ll give you a life-long communist), and corrupted our educational “system” into what it is today.
    The “non-left” (those who don’t aspire to totalitarianism) have some blame for allowing it, I guess, but that’s kind of like saying that a guy who is ignorant of a murder is responsible for that murder because of his ignorance.

    Sneaking up on a guy and bashing his brains out isn’t really the same as sitting around the campfire having your brains bashed out by a sneak.

    izlamo delenda est …

  14. Bear in mind that even “total cases” should really be “total REPORTED cases”. So, the num of cases shown here or on Tv is actually:
    U.S. population
    x % exposed to the virus
    x % of exposed who get infected
    x % of infected who have any symptoms at all
    x % of those with any symptoms at all who seek medical attention and get tested
    In others words, a WHOLE LOT OF PEOPLE will never even make it to the case counts on TV, so in calculating hospital needs or mortality rates, the results are hugely better than one might have feared.

  15. BFH, thank you for all you do to keep us privy to the current eclectic news. Love you and iotwreport. This is the first site I visit in the morning and the last site at night and many times in between, except for my UTub prayer links. 🙂 Just want youto know where you stand in the order of my lofe. 🙂

    DAUGHNWORKS has been posting good info on daily threads for the WuFlu at https://wqth.wordpress.com/ as is FLEPORBLOG posting daily solid positive info mainly regarding the economy over at https://wqth.wordpress.com/ . WOLFMOON’s site is somewhat a crowdsource style site for more in depth info. The posters often delve into the motives of CCP and the letties world wide. Very enlightening. Much less controlling compared to CTH.


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