President Trump Points Out He Was Called “Xenophobic” by “Sleepy Joe Biden” For Restricting Travel with China Back in January – IOTW Report

President Trump Points Out He Was Called “Xenophobic” by “Sleepy Joe Biden” For Restricting Travel with China Back in January


President Trump held another press briefing on Saturday to address his administration’s efforts in combating the Coronavirus.

The President didn’t skip a beat and pointed out he was called “xenophobic” by “Sleepy Joe Biden” when he restricted travel from China back in January.

President Trump’s decision to restrict travel from China early on and then to ban incoming flights from Europe saved lives.

But Joe Biden was still advocating for open borders even a week ago amid the Coronavirus pandemic.

“…The fact that we closed so early to China — and most people — hey look, I was called ‘xenophobic’ by Sleepy Joe Biden. I was called a racist by Democrats…” said Trump.

Sleepy Joe won’t be able to respond to President Trump until Monday because he is currently holed up at his home in Delaware practicing “social distancing” because of the Coronavirus.


15 Comments on President Trump Points Out He Was Called “Xenophobic” by “Sleepy Joe Biden” For Restricting Travel with China Back in January

  1. I wouldn’t put it past the globalists to have orchastrated this entire scheme to put sleepy joe into the path to nomination just for him to “expire” from the virus just in time for some “savior” to jump into the race right before the convention.
    It may have not been a perfect plan…millions of people may die, and many millions more may lose everything…but “the ends justify the means”.

  2. A *phobe, *phobe here, and a *phobe, *phobe there, everywhere a *phobe, *phobe. Old McDemocrat had a farm, eeeeeeee. I, eeeeeee I ohhhh. And on that farm he had a meltdown, with a whimper here, and Whimper there, everywhere a whimper. Eeeee I, eeeee I, ohhhhh. Old McDemocrat had a farm. Eeeee I, eeeee I, ohhhhh. And on that farm he lost his mind… Eeeee I, eeeee I, ohhhhh.

    The song never changes.

  3. I’d feel far more comfortable if I was watching it on the MSM news broadcasts, the ones that the majority of Americans get their information from, than on some alternative “preaching to the choir” type of news and opinion site.

    The message needs to go out to the average person that doesn’t investigate or think about much when forming his or her opinions and just listens to what he is told to listen to, not to those already making it a practice of searching things out and seriously considering them.

    But how to do that?

  4. There is no doubt in my mind that this whole thing is designed to destroy the Trump presidency and bring America to her knees so the “Globalists” can recover their lost ground due to Trump’s actual success at “Making America Great Again.”

    It has two objectives: Destroy Trump and destroy the American economy. If people die well that continues to reduce the surplus population and reduce “Climate Change.”

    They must continue to spin “Wuhan Flu” into “Trumpvirus” and “Social Distancing” into “everyone for themselves” to reduce Nationalism and our sense of safety. Meanwhile China is ****poised**** to “re-invest” in the American stock market at a greatly reduced cost while maintaining a stranglehold on our medicines and medical supplies.

    Enjoy your time off from work suckers!

  5. Xenophobic or Chiroptopobia? Right about now, I’d say that a fear of foreigners who are Chinese Communists bat soup slurping, pangolin scale soaked in urine loving, canine roasting, shark fin eating, chicken foot sucking, ChiComvirus spreading Orientals is a great Presidential attribute. It’s why Dementia Joe Obiden Bama hasn’t got a clue what makes a great President. After all, he was Bama’s lapdog.

  6. Crisis is the rallying cry of the tyrant.

    James Madison

    You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.

    Rahm Emanuel

    The Democrats are tyrants and they are chomping at the bit.


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