Paul Harvey Could See Into Our Future – IOTW Report

Paul Harvey Could See Into Our Future

Let us all heed his warning.

This is an excellent video as it weaves Paul Harvey’s decades old (1965) message with today’s “history”.

24 Comments on Paul Harvey Could See Into Our Future

  1. George Santayana said: “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it”, or some variation thereof.

    Sadly in the case of the last several generations, they cannot remember what they were never taught.

  2. I appreciated that greatly and sent it to many. Even liberals. Statists love it when citizens beg them to surrender the power of individualist in exchange for perceived safety.

    Great message that has disappeared from the national dialogue.

  3. This crisis could be the best thing that could have happened to our country at this time: it’s showing these moron snowflakes that they can’t take everything for granted, and it’s exposing traitors in the Chi-Comm’s pockets like hillary clinton and rachael madcow, among others. It’s also exposing Trump-bashers as merely corrupt hacks or treasonous bastards – both types which should be shunned out of existence, or imprisoned.

  4. 🎶1965. 🎶It Was a very good year

    I miss those years of youth and innocence. Fifth grade going into sixth grade. Leave the house at 7 am and return in time for supper and nobody thought a thing about it.

    Damn. We had the perfect childhood.

  5. Mrs. Ghost gave me a (5) CD series of PH “and now YOU know…the Rest of the Story” for this past Christmas.

    We love taking rides ‘in the countryside” and just listening.

    Towards the end of his career he would come on at 11:45 right before Rushbo.

    I have several cassette tapes I made of him just after 9-11.

    Miss him very much.

  6. @PHenry – I had the same childhood. Gone all day during the summer, returning home for dinner. And during school, riding my bike to school, and anywhere else I pleased afterword.

  7. Said it before, saying it again. The United States of America, as originally intended, was the greatest possible idea for a society that could have been made dependent upon the worst possible people (humans). Even the best of men are, at best, still fallible, weak, sinning men. Man eventually sabotages everything we have, just by being what we are.

    Look at history, as Paul Harvey did. Don’t say we’re exempt, different, smarter, better. We’re not – we’re just like the dead ones were. Don’t be amazed that free America should be fading away. Wonder instead that she lasted as long as she has.

    History proves one thing beyond any dispute:


  8. I too miss Paul Harvey, listened to him on the AM radio every day I got a chance to at 12 noon. My dad always had him on everyday on KSPO AM 1230 down at his Shell station. I listened to him when I moved to Portland. Or. in 1971 and he was always on the radio everyday on Armed Forces radio on the mess deck in the mornings and evenings when we were out at sea aboard the USS Kitty Hawk CV 63 and for another 30 + years from the mid 70’s till his death at 92 or 93 in Feb. 2008. He along with Vin Scully who called Brooklyn Dodger and LA Dodgers and other major sporting events from the early 50’a till just a few years ago had 2 of the longest lasting radio gigs ever. Even my son who will be 38 this year knew who Paul Harvey was and often listened to him with me or his grandfather, my dad. My oldest daughter also listened to him with me as well when she could. And developed a love of baseball by listening to Seattle Mariners games on the radio growing up with Dave Neuhaus. We both love radio far more than TV because radio is truly the theater of the mind and makes you think.

  9. My favorite Paul Harvey bumper snicker was the one about a Honda that said Fenry Honda on it’s rear bumper and his dumb criminal stories of the day were always funny. But his best story and possible funniest story on The Rest Of The Story was the one about a woman was who roasting a chicken in her oven and heard the sound of the chicken clucking while inside her oven and when she opened the oven the chicken was clucking because someone at the processing plant hadn’t removed it’s vocal cords and the steam coming up the chickens neck was causing it to cluck, from the way Paul described it scared the living bejeezus out of this poor woman.

  10. Here’s what the spirit of Paul Harvey did for me just tonight. I ordered a carry out pizza from a local joint. It is a sit down restaurant that was empty such aa I have never seen before. The PIzza man was idle and looking stressed. The counter girl was stressed. The restaurant was empty.

    I could tell they were all on pucker factor 10.

    Slipping a few bucks to these people right now to get them over the hump is greatly appreciated and ratchets down the anxiety for them and provides a level of comfort for you. Be overly generous for a while. So I paid 60 bucks for a medium pizza?

    It was a one timer and the smiles were worth it.



  11. Paul Harvey was a national treasure & sorely missed

    I also agree with Jordan Peterson, everyone always talks about their “rights” but never want to take any of the responsibility

  12. As a Christmas present I bought a 5 CD pack of Paul Harvey “rest of the story” stories. The ghost and I love to listen to it on car rides. Gosh I miss Paul Harvey. We heard him all over the USA. When we were in Hawaii, Idaho, Las Vegas. We would turn on the radio and there he was. I remember hearing about when his wife Angel passed away and shortly, there after I remember being in the car with General Glover when we heard about Paul Harvey’s passing. Crazy how you cry for someone and we didn’t even know him personally. He knew so much and his experience and insight were so important. I have my teenage boys now listening to “the rest of the story” with us. Will make them better people. Gosh we miss him.

  13. Fritz
    So do I. I never ever acknowledged the Kenyan as President. I refused to listen to or watch him.
    Still, the version originally posted here implies it was referring to him when the unedited version was referring to a Chinese emperor. Paul Harvey could not have been referring to someone allegedly born the year he recorded this message.

  14. Anonymous, the author of this video edited it to show that what Paul Harvey was talking about had already started to happen to us some 50 years after he warned us it could happen to us. Paul Harvey was saying that nations that started out free and prosperous have always deteriorated from within because of high taxation and ever-growing government.

    He mentioned specifically Rome, Spain, Greece and China. He was warning us that history will repeat itself as it did at least four times already. With his warning, he also had hope that we would heed history and not repeat it.

    What the author of this video did when he replaced the Chinese Emperor with the Obama administration was to show us how close we came to becoming another statistic in history. We may still be that, but with the election of President Trump, we may avert the disaster that befell Rome, Spain, Greece and China. Or we may only postpone it. What the country does on election day and, God willing, the next four years, will show whether we learn from history or not.


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