Reporter Asks Celebrities How They’re Getting Tested For COVID-19 Before The Rest Of Us – IOTW Report

Reporter Asks Celebrities How They’re Getting Tested For COVID-19 Before The Rest Of Us

What could their answer be?

“Because we are better, richer and more important than you, that’s how.”


From the start of the United States’ battle against the novel coronavirus, or COVID-19, it’s been increasingly common to hear from celebrities who’ve tested positive for the virus, though testing has been scarce for the rest of us.

So, how are they getting their hands on the tests?

VICE media reporters reached out to celebrities who’ve taken such tests, asking them that very question.

Unfortunately, their responses, or lack there of, essentially keep the answer to that question in the dark.

As Vice President Mike Pence advised Monday, “if you don’t have symptoms, you don’t need a coronavirus test.”


There are special rules for special people. I long for the virus that would wipe out self-important asshole celebrities.

20 Comments on Reporter Asks Celebrities How They’re Getting Tested For COVID-19 Before The Rest Of Us

  1. This ought to be a good issue for Trump to send investigators on. Most,if not all of these “celebs” are likely anti-trumpers and he can shut them up by an investigation that showed they used their money and connections to use up a test that was needed for somebody who was actually showing symptoms and was very sick and that ought not to be too hard. What’s more the average American would appreciate knowing who these line jumpers were and ignoring anything they say in the future.

  2. LC Dan^^^

    i would call this guy an opportunist, not a capitalist. i have no problem with charging patients a reasonable rate for the service. The doc has to cover his costs. With test kits in short supply, however, they should have been sold/administered to only those with symptoms. IMHO.

  3. It was probably a case of “don’t you know who I am?” coupled with star-struck health care workers. Nothing new here. In the Land of the Free, celebrities are the new royalty.

  4. You have to be around these people in real life to see just what a bunch of jerks they are. Louisiana was catering to the movies for a time, until they found out we did not make money off of them. In that time we had a number of these royal people in the area. They really think they are the equivalent of the Queen of England. This is to the point that they order you out of an elevator, their armed guards assist. Or they demand to go first in a line for a restaurant (but this being the South, the owner of the restaurant told them exactly what he thought of them). But the list goes on, they really don’t think they have common cause with us. My wife follows celebrities in Korea. There it is the opposite. Celebrities do a very low bow to the audience and exclaim over the fact that they could not exist without them. As a consequence, Korean film is far and away better that US.

  5. Years back, a hollywood photographer got sick of that life and exposed celebs for what they are. Attention whores who called themselves victims of celebrity. They can’t go out or they’ll get mobbed, people want their attention all the time, etc. Turns out, these ‘celebrity victims’ would call the photographers or magazine writers and say they were gonna be at X restaurant at X o’clock. So the photographer would come running, and the celebutard would just be pitching a fit due to lack of privacy. lol. Other photographers admitted the same. But of course, anyone paying attention would know actors or their managers were setting this all up. Drama queens.

  6. Who fukkin cares?
    Really – who in his right mind would care if someone was or wasn’t tested for the fukkin flu?
    Got it? OK – do the same things as if you didn’t have it.
    Don’t got it? OK – do the same things as if you had it.

    Wash your hands.
    Don’t sneeze on people.
    Stockpile toilet paper.
    Take an analgesic and go to bed.
    Drink plenty of Gatorade.
    Quit licking doorknobs.

    There! Whether you’re a “celebrity” or just a schmuck.
    (oh … particularly for “celebrities” – don’t put anything in your mouth that’s been up your ass)

    Hope this helps.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Tim, You got that right, who cares? You may test negative, which means in the next 5 minutes you could get the disease. The best would be if you tested positive and had no symptoms. But basically, the test is worthless the way they are using it. It only works if you are severely ill and the doctor orders the test to see in which direct to go with treatment.

  8. Mary Jane,
    I recall Elvis whining about it.
    (why he had to use drugs)
    If he had let his hair go back to blond, crew cut it, dressed in overalls and flannel shirt, drove an old Ford pickup, got rid of the funny glasses, and lost the “entourage” nobody on Earth would have known who he was (and stay the Hell away from “Col.” Parker and Graceland).

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. Speaking of celebrities I’m sure they’re already filming the first episodes of “Quarantining With The Stars” for our viewing pleasure because they think we care or something.

  10. I suspect that most have not been tested who said that they were. I doubt that Tom Hanks is “positive”. They all hate President Trump and this whole “pandemic” is designed to tear him and this great country down. May all the evil meant for POTUS be turned back on the schemers.

  11. Tax slaves need to understand they’re only place in life is for paying taxes to fund the elites and our masters. Stop asking embarrassing questions that won’t be answered and get back to work.

  12. My Occam’s Razor says it’s because they are a part of the propaganda machine’s scare tactics with anti-Trumpism being the reason behind it all.

    “Look! Even awesome me – with no symptoms – has it! Be scared and take all this very very seriously! and vote blue no matter who – because -LOOK AT ME!! It’s all Trump’s fault – Trump has to go!”


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