Petition Calls on Harvard to Turn Dorms into Homeless Shelters – IOTW Report

Petition Calls on Harvard to Turn Dorms into Homeless Shelters

Breitbart: Over 1,200 students and local residents have signed a petition that calls on Harvard University to turn its empty residential halls into homeless shelters during the ongoing Wuhan coronavirus pandemic.

According to a report by Campus Reform, students at Harvard University are demanding that university officials convert the campus’ empty residential halls into homeless shelters for locals that have been impacted by the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic.

The petition, which was recently posted to, calls on Harvard’s leaders to convert the university’s dormitory space into a homeless shelter. The petition has received over 1,200 signatures since it was created last week.

“We have the facilities, the resources, and the organizational wherewithal to implement an emergency shelter on campus,” the petition reads. “Whether that would be a distributed system using the Harvard Houses or a centralized shelter using the dorms in Harvard Yard, it is simply unthinkable not to do this and let our most vulnerable community members suffer and die on the doorsteps of the richest university in the world.” read more

19 Comments on Petition Calls on Harvard to Turn Dorms into Homeless Shelters

  1. As much contempt as I have for harvard it’s obvious that the stupidest thing they could do is open the facilities to the homeless. Well… that I think about it, it sounds like a great idea!

  2. Harvard will open its dorms to the homeless [sic] just as soon as Red de Blasio opens Gracie Mansion, Rancid Nan Pelosi switches parties to the GOP, and Exophthalmic Adam Schiff kisses President Trump’s ass live on CNN.

  3. File under: What kind of idiot is this guy
    If you bring the homeless, crack addicted, lice having mentally ill and jam them in a building someone will be murdered before the first night is over
    Then you won’t be able to use that building again unless you strip it to the framing
    Put down Hobo partition tape every 10 feet down the sidewalks

  4. And then those homeless can shit in the quad, the cafeteria, the halls or whatever other local is available.

    It may be a chance to justify the high expense of an insufficient education.

  5. Please do it. In fifteen years, when they are still there, crime has cause students to look elsewhere, might as well change the name to Harvard Community College.

  6. I had a friend I worked with in the early 90’s who inherited his parent’s house in (one of the nicer areas of) the Bronx. He had no interest in living in it (he lived and worked in Queens) and it wasn’t well kept enough to immediately either sell or rent. In order to keep the property from being vandalized, he had the bright idea to invite a homeless couple to live in it rent free – thus giving them an address to use as the ‘looked for work’ and he was less concerned the property would get destroyed.
    After several months, the house looked like squatters had used it as a drug den. Holes in the walls, broken windows, etc.
    He tried to tell the couple to leave, and they refused. He spent another close to a year before he finally got a court order to evict (NYC law considered the couple tenants – even without a lease and no rent payment – simply because they lived there more than a certain number of days. I forget what the amount was, but may have been as little as 30 days.)
    When he finally had the sheriff evict them, the house was a wreck. They poured cement down the pipes a day before they finally left. The house was unlivable and the cost of renovating it was more than the house was worth for 1994. I lost touch with this friend after I joined the Navy, but I believe his only option at that point was to sell the property at below-value price so a developer could tear the house down and start from scratch.
    NEVER let anyone without a stake live in property you own! Since they don’t own it, they feel no responsibility to it, and will treat it like garbage.

  7. Edit: Put the diploma on the dorm floor and tie it to a string that goes out to the parking lot.
    Don’t fergit the popcorn…

    Itz a variation on an old Harvard theme: the wallet on a string.
    Used to train future lawyers…

  8. so they want to turn college dorm rooms from homeless shelters sheltering the basement dwellers turned out of homes by their parents into homeless shelters sheltering the actual homeless?
    what are the parents who paid good money to get their kids out of the basement going to say?
    i suppose they will want a bailout too?
    did pelosi slip that one into the bill too?


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