Did a Liberal Teacher Offer a Cash Bounty For Someone With Coronavirus To Cough On President Trump? – IOTW Report

Did a Liberal Teacher Offer a Cash Bounty For Someone With Coronavirus To Cough On President Trump?

She Purportedly Pretended To Be A Victim After Backlash

rightjournalism is taking on a woman who apparently tweeted something extremely inappropriate, if not illegal.

They question how she manages to have her job as of their posting.


29 Comments on Did a Liberal Teacher Offer a Cash Bounty For Someone With Coronavirus To Cough On President Trump?

  1. She looks like a reason to homeschool. That’s the upside to Coronavirus. Many people may decide to appreciate their youngsters and shield them from monsters like this.

    She doesn’t need to be beaten to death like an Ralph Northam infant. She just needs to be unemployed, irrelevant and kept away from impressionable children.

  2. the one take-away I get from this is, if she can offer such a large enough sum of money to actually have someone attempt this is … ‘teachers’ make too damn much of our money!

  3. Reason for robots to take over teaching.

    An idea that should have been implemented 20 years ago. Highest quality lectures, individualized instruction, better retention with regression testing and dropping your property or state income taxes by 75%. But too many iron rice bowls to protect.

  4. Daaamn. She looks like Eleanor’s sister that the Delano family locked in the Hyde Park stables as a child to keep from scaring the chickens.
    If Syphilis had a face.

  5. At what point does someone say this is biological warfare?

    No, not this horse faced snaggletooth.

    The Chicoms who released this virus intentionally on our shores and who have infiltrated dozens of colleges and new organizations who trade editorial oversight for access.

  6. When you start sending these 5 alarm fucktards to Leavenworth, and let ’em break boulders into pea gravel for THIRTY YEARS… with a ballpeen hammer… a LOT of this numbnuttery will DISAPPEAR. >:-(

  7. So, why hasn’t some FBI or SS guy posed as the potential client and received the money and set her up for prosecution like they do with dope dealers and alleged guys hooking up with young girls?
    Make a date with an FBI agent over the interwebz, and you’re going to jail forever.
    But these people get away with soliciting murder?

    America needs to clean house.

    izlamo delenda est …


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