Patenting Man-Made Virus – IOTW Report

Patenting Man-Made Virus

Bill Gates warns of man-made viruses unleashed on world.

ht/ woody

12 Comments on Patenting Man-Made Virus

  1. Gates may be a genius about making lots and lots of money from software that makes a computer useful, but that hardly means I’m going to accept anything he says about anything other than making lots of money off of computer software.

    If he were a genius in some other field, like virology, he would be in that field instead of in the computer software field.

    So he can keep his opinions to himself since I don’t consider them any more valid than mine or yours.

  2. …you do realize that all of this is because they’re backed into a corner, don’t you?

    …the endless investigations, the projection, the shampeachment, and now fluffing a flu bug up into a refugee from Steven King’s “The Stand” is ALL because Donald Trump is in position to blow up DECADES of corruption and graft, and that if he pushes over ONE domino, a broken omerta will cause THAT person to take the REST of them down, and they can’t have that.

    If, for example, Hunter Biden (remember HIM? Nah, Muh Corona’s let them drop THAT story, convenient, innit?) were to actually be tumbled, that would expose the OTHER kids’ roles in Ukranegate like Romney’s and Pelosi’s and Kerry’s, which in turn will burn their parents down, which will make them turn on each other…or, if Hillary were to EVER get punished for HER open and obvious crimes, even a small percentage of them, she would no doubt take it out on the REST of the power structure that failed to protect her…or if Bill were to actually be prosecuted for his pedophilia on Epstein’s Island (forgot about that TOO, huh? That’s NOT an accident that you DID)…or if there were any action on the discovery that “Obama” himself approved spying on a political rival on a level that Richard Nixon could only have DREAMED of…

    …that’s how omerta works. They all committed crimes known to each other, so they are all pledged to protect each other’s crimes from ever being prosecuted, with the penalty for failing to protect a fellow criminal being that your OWN crimes will be exposed.

    Can’t have THAT.

    …so they’ve been piling crime on crime, lie on lie, to where they can NOT come down off the mountain of felonies even if they WANTED to. It passed treason quite awhile ago, so they all have a choice of hanging, as Hillary Clinton herself noted, or pushing the lie ever higher and wrecking more and more of the Nation just to keep it going.

    Russia Russia took out minor functionaries on process crimes, but alos made it impossible to investigate Hillary while allowing Muller to collect and destroy evidence against Democrats. Ukraine Ukraine took the falsehoods, prosecutorial misconduct, and felonies in production of the Muller report off the headlines to push the President into defense and make it impossible to investigate the Muller report shenanigans. Corona was gathering steam just behind it, and was unleashed just in time to take all the improprieties and unconstitutional and treasonous, seditious stuff Democrats had done to THAT point off the radar to replace it with a “national emergency” that HAD to get blown up to Palladian proportions in order to let Democrats and Never Trump RINOs everywhere unconstitutionally seize power sufficient to wreck the most robust economy EVER, all to prevent ONE man from pursing justice against them.

    And they are DESPERATE. If they DON’T wreck him, DON’T keep the House, DON’T gain the Senate, they stand to lose not only their freedom, but their lives, and even those of their own children that they’ve included in their treasonous schemes. They miscalculated how much vote fraud they needed to push Hillary over the top, so they had arrogantly done a poor job of erasing the evidence of their crimes because they were SURE that SHE’D be there to keep a lid on it. While the Muller report got a LOT of that, it made its OWN crimes that they can’t cover up, as did Ukraine, as did CoronaPanic, etc., etc.,usw, to the point that they HAVE to take the Presidency and all the OTHER branches of Government to preserve THEMSELVES. NO fraud, NO crime, NO cheating, NO number of collateral deaths is too great a price for them. They’ve simply got no other option now, and if all THIS fails, I would not be surprised if they made an attempt on the President himself.

    Desperate people are the MOST dangerous. There is NO safe way to approach a cornered rat. If you think it’s bad NOW, that you’ve lost your job, your freedom, your Rule Of Law NOW, just you WAIT and see what they come up with if even THIS fails.

    …I would not be surprised if they were to provoke a nuclear war at this point.

    They are THAT desperate.

    AND they are THAT evil…

  3. Bill Gates is a no good, shithead. How come his kids have not had their vaccinations? According to his long time family doctor he refused to let that happen. Speaking of population control, did you know his dad was president of planned parenthood for a number of years. He is bad news!

  4. College dropout who thinks he’s important because his company pirated thousands of functions and subroutines and made billions with self-endowed stock while selling mediocre crap that’s full of bugs.

    Ignore the SOB. He has nothing credible to say about anything.

  5. Viruses can be manipulated by passing them repeatedly from one host to another, encouraging rapid mutation. That is manipulating natural processes. Genetic engineering allows creation of pathogens that would never exist naturally.

    It is entirely plausible that this virus was “enhanced” (for scientific and/or military purposes) and released, probably unintentionally, from the Wuhan lab. It has a history of lax safety procedures and selling lab animals in wet markets. There is evidence that lab workers were exposed to blood and urine of infected animals and one student worker, thought by some to be patient zero, was “disappeared” by the CCP from the lab, late last year.

    Regardless of the original intention, the CCP’s response to the outbreak was to facilitate the spread of the virus worldwide, while actively working to put off aggressive response by other countries through brutal suppression of accurate information and the release of false data and information as well as utilizing their puppet leader at the WHO and useful idiots within the WHO, the rest of the UN, the media, personalities, pundits and politicians. Their actions in buying up medical supplies and pharmaceuticals during that period showed that they wished to capitalize on the misery and suffering they themselves were responsible for spreading.

    After ordering a reversal of WHO policy regarding the pandemic, the CCP has done their utmost to heighten the hysteria and chaos, using the same tools. They are now trying to cash in on their previous hoarding, both monetarily and diplomatically.

    Most major countries have active biological warfare research facilities, mostly for defensive purposes Only rogue states are actively developing biological weapons.

    Outside of the military establishment, universities, research institutions and corporations have legitimate interest in studying pathogens. With the number of people involved, you are inevitably going to have idiots who feel the need to go to extremes.

    Terrorists organizations and lone wolves are actively attempting to develop or access biological weapons. They set up their own labs, or infiltrate legitimate labs. They also can obtain pathogens from sponsoring rogue states.

    Nature is frightening enough, but when you combine nature with modern science and technology, and the ability for a pathogen to be spread throughout the world in a matter of a week or two, intentionally or not, it is something people have preferred to ignore.

    Most countries who have been active in biological warfare research have determined it is a no-win proposition. Nature is too fickle. You cannot guarantee what will happen in the target population and you cannot confine it to the target population, which means that it can come back and infect your population and by the time it gets back to you, any vaccines you had developed may be ineffective because of mutations. That still hasn’t stopped people from trying, again and again.

    We may never know how many times a weaponized pathogen has been released, or if they were successful. Nature provides too much background noise.

    As plausible as the scenario I presented above is, it is also plausible that it did originate naturally at a wet market. That does not negate the condemnable actions of the CCP.

  6. Second largest contributor to WHO after USA and before GB.

    World’s richest man seeks world depopulation via “vaccines”. Thus, down-playing a1lready proven cure.

    Reportedly, Dr. Burke has a daughter working for him in high area.

    See ya at Nuremberg, Gatesy Boy!


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