SPLC Still Up To Its Old Tricks – IOTW Report

SPLC Still Up To Its Old Tricks

News Busters

Under the guise of coming after violent extremists, the anti-Christian, anti-conservative Southern Poverty Law Center is coming after mainstream conservative organizations.

The SPLC’s Hatewatch division released a blog “Facebook’s Strategy for Taking Down Hate Groups is Spotty and Ineffective” on April 7, and it’s insane.

The blog slammed Facebook for “[providing] a safe haven for hate groups and extremists despite the company’s attempts to ‘stop the most egregious and dangerous groups from using its tools.’” It described fringe extremist groups, before strangely mentioning its real target — the socially conservative Free Speech Alliance member, the American Family Association (AFA). More

8 Comments on SPLC Still Up To Its Old Tricks

  1. one mans hate is just another mans opinion

    funny how christian opinion about fags is called hateful but muslim opinion is not

    christians don’t throw fags off roofs

    the splc is the group that harbors hate
    hate against christians

    ban them from facebook!

  2. I don’t really know why anyone would take an extreme measure of throwing a fag off a roof. There are easier ways, like a bullet to the head.

    Still, why get close enough to the diseased bastards anyway? There was an excellent reason for social distancing before covid19.

    Imagine the poor slob that has to clean up the gore on the pavement below.

    The blood and other body fluids of queers should be considered a deadly substance. Keeping a safe distance is the best policy.

    The SPLC can call me a hater all day long. I don’t give a shit.

  3. Once upon a time when the SPLC was fighting the white supremacist group Aryan Nations headquartered in N. Idaho back in the 80’s they may have been relevant, not so much anymore. They’re almost as bad at hating Christians and those who believe in American exceptionalism as the equally worthless ACLU.

  4. ” “[providing] a safe haven for hate groups and extremists .. ”

    I didn’t realize Facebook was giving a safe haven to Muslims and Muslim organizations.

    But, then, I don’t use facebook so I wouldn’t know about it anyway.


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