Everyone is Blaming China for the Coronavirus – Except Joe Biden – IOTW Report

Everyone is Blaming China for the Coronavirus – Except Joe Biden

Dan Bongino: The latest Harris Poll has some promising news which proves that no one is buying the mainstream media’s narrative on the coronavirus – which has effectively been the narrative of the Chinese government. And for anyone who thinks that’s hyperbolic, just read a sampling of headlines over at CNN, the New York Times, CBS, or countless others, and ask yourself how they would be any different if the CCP were writing them.

The media is mindlessly reporting on China’s “official” death toll, despite the actual death toll likely an order of magnitude higher. They’ll spread the bogus narrative that in a country of over 1.3 billion, China is somehow reporting no new cases (a statistical impossibility even if they had everything under control). And they’ll even pretend that it’s offensive to call a virus that originated from China a “Chinese virus” – even though the exact same publications criticizing Trump for calling it as such described it the exact same way before Trump began doing the same. read more

8 Comments on Everyone is Blaming China for the Coronavirus – Except Joe Biden

  1. Dementia Joe Obiden Bama is on top of this Trump Pandemic! The next time he’s interviewed on CNN or MSNBC or ABC he will find the evidence on one of his flash cards and share the proof that it might not be right to blame it on Humper’s Chinese Communist friends.

  2. Listen up, Fattie: Trump is trying to tell ya that this, uh, uh, Mexican Beer Virus thing, uh, started in someplace in China called Wu. Nobody ever heard of this Wu place before. Trump made it up. There is no Wu anywhere in the world, and there is especially no Wu in China. I tried to find it on a Mapquest Map by searching it’s zip code, and there is no such place. It likely started in the lab of some US pill manufacturer. An inside guy told me they were experimenting on cute little beagle pups and one got away and bit someone on the ankle. Then it spread around like, sorta like, how mucus spreads on a young girl’s head. It’s all about their blood-soaked profits.

    Now, Fattie, let’s do that arm wrestle. You know I’m gonna lick ya!

  3. “My likely republican opponent thinks that this corona beer indigestion comes from China, when I know for a fact that it come from the Wu-Tang clan. We need to eradicate that gang and rid ourselves of their pesky germs.”


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