The Dems’ New Anaconda Plan To Strangle The Economy Until Election Day – IOTW Report

The Dems’ New Anaconda Plan To Strangle The Economy Until Election Day

The primary weapon used against the South during the Civil War was the union’s “anaconda plan“to blockade ports and strangle the confederacy.

CTH is observing that the coastal blue states of both the east and west appear to be forming a pack among themselves of how they’ll restart their economies. These efforts at coordination may be more about strangling the nation and blaming the president as he vies for re-election this fall, than jobs and prosperity within their own states. More

20 Comments on The Dems’ New Anaconda Plan To Strangle The Economy Until Election Day

  1. And these states are not going to be collecting tax revenue so do they hold out in hopes of Joe Biden winning (LOL) or do they buckle to the social uprising they’ll face from their own constituents that see red states back to life. Not to mention Trump has federal funding that could be withheld. Their plan may backfire biggly.

  2. The economy of the entire world is linked together, one or another small region may be up or down at any given time but the whole is going to be in the same basic condition.

    The world economy has gone far down and is heading in that downwards direction.

    I seriously doubt that the American economy is going to somehow escape the current collapsing trend it is suffering from or that it will be able to recover to a large extent by November even if it does turn around. Not without extraordinary fiscal actions to bail it out, and that is a major negative situation in itself for many reasons (not all of them financial by any means).

    If the Democrats think this will work in their favor and intend to push it as their campaign issue, the Republicans need to be getting in gear and move their dependence on success in making things great again based on the economy only as theirs because it will be a far weaker strategy than they think this time around.

  3. The Port of Los Angeles typically handles about 90 trainloads or more a day of goods going to Walmart & Target. How will Apple computers and phones get to market? How will Japanese cars be delivered? How will Amazon restock its’ warehouses? This is not going to happen for very long until people demand what’s “ESSENTIAL” to them.
    And this doesn’t count thousands of truck loads!

  4. If only the republican party hadn’t gone along with this crap.

    Voters would be mad as hell, busted and disgusted, unemployed, etc, and would take it out on democrats this fall.

    But no, republican politicians had to go along with them in this scam. My governor, Holcomb of indiana, is a tyrant who shut down everything using this hoax as a pretense, just like all the democrat governors.

    There is no use voting. fk it

  5. …and you can count Ohio as a “Blue” state for Trump-hating purposes. DeWine is basically a Democrat at this point, a Never-Trumper who wants to not only take people’s GUNS for “red flags”, but take people’s FREEDOM without due process for “red flags”, along with being a tax and spend Democrat in every sense of the word. He’s GOP-E to the core, but with heavily Demoocrat leanings in terms of taking power that isn’t his AND taking property that isn’t his, both things that the President opposes, and he KNOWS it…

    He will do EVERYTHING he can to wreck the President. He’s more of a snake than the Democrat governors are, because he’s hiding behind a patently false party affiliation, and the President won’t discover what an asp he IS until it’s too late…

  6. More conservative states get up and running again, while the leftist ones remain suffering on lockdown. Then towards November, those governors try to blame it all on Trump.

    Yeah, that’ll be a neat trick.

  7. SNS, It sounds like the type of pol Pelosi was describing when she said it really shouldn’t matter so much which party you voted for. She meant – if conservatism would just die off…

  8. Remember that societal collapse is their desired goal. By releasing prisoners the intent is that crime will escalate. Police in big city areas are being overwhelmed and in rural areas they are being told to stand down. “Polite” society will respond by taking justice into their own hands and the police will then turn on the vigilantes, locking up those who “dared to get out of hand”.
    The best way to destroy the Constitution is to let We The People do it for them, once we start “turning on our own” it will be a free-for-all and a heyday for the PTB.
    The numbers for the ChiFlu are being grossly exaggerated and still are not high enough to justify the Dems shutting down of society. The only way they’ll be able to hold onto power after this will be due to the criminals creating havoc and civil war in the streets.
    And, boy, do I hope I’m wrong.

  9. I think the real reason walmart/sam’s are letting only a certain amount of people in their stores is because they know who their customers are (lots & lots of EBT peeps).
    If EBT crashes things are going to get real ugly real fast.

  10. It will backfire once Trump sets a date for “liberté”.
    Citizens in those states will revolt against their governors and the Democrat party. All Trump need do is feed the anger with positive updates on those states who are open for business.

  11. We can get ships to ports in Texas easy enough. Also going through the gulf of California and into Arizona (after a short section of Mexico), or through the Great Lakes and into Ohio will supply us. I do think the leftists are trying to step their toes into the water of testing Trump’s power and will go further if he doesn’t push back.

  12. I think the virus was a political attempt at “broken arrow” which is a military term for being about to be overrun. The D party has lost so much credibility and going into 2020 have failed to make a dent in Trump. Crash the economy- not a problem to the blue states. Hold relief bills hostage for socialist causes-check. Mail in voting to accelerate voting fraud-check again. The checklist is lengthy!

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