Tucker: Stanford professor claims Chinese coronavirus death rate ‘likely orders of magnitude lower’ than first thought – IOTW Report

Tucker: Stanford professor claims Chinese coronavirus death rate ‘likely orders of magnitude lower’ than first thought

FOX: Stanford University professor of medicine Dr. Jay Bhattacharya told “Tucker Carlson Tonight” Tuesday that he believes the actual death rate from the coronavirus pandemic is “likely orders of magnitude lower than the initial estimates.”

“Per case, I don’t think it’s as deadly as people thought,” Bhattacharya told host Tucker Carlson. ” … The World Health Organization put an estimate out that was, I think, initially 3.4 percent. It’s very unlikely it is anywhere near that. It’s it’s much likely, much closer to the death rate that you see from the flu per case.” read more/watch.

8 Comments on Tucker: Stanford professor claims Chinese coronavirus death rate ‘likely orders of magnitude lower’ than first thought

  1. Both the number of deaths and the death rate are close to the seasonal flu.

    Remember only a couple of weeks ago when the leftards were saying that governors who didn’t shut down should be prosecuted?

    Why aren’t the governors who did shut down being prosecuted now? They lied-people are being locked in house and die. Because of hoax models.

  2. This is quite possible considering it (the high numbers) could have easily been used as an excuse to get rid of dissidents and put an end to the Hong Kong protests which were getting out of hand and spreading.

    This was the apparent result whether intended or not.

    Just my speculation of course, something I’ve considered from the start, and there is no way to know it that’s the real case.

  3. The Communist chinks got a whole lot more than they expected from this trial run…. just imagine, spread the flu and see how fast we can get it around the globe. Wow! look! everybody panicked and shut down their respective economies and societies. Perhaps we can hold off on the “REAL” bug….

  4. I’m not sure this is anything really new. The WHO douche initially got his numbers wrong and reported 3.4% death rate then had to walk it back a few days later (along with his infection rate) to 1.4% (I think) which is a bad flu season. His initial 3.4% was the match that lit the panic fuse. Having said that it’s nice to have an academic spout reality for a change.

  5. I am currently writing a college paper on this subject. And in fact, it is very difficult to find relevant information. I use the help of https://uk.edubirdie.com/essay-help since the Chinese media does not publish real data about what is happening. So my professor at the university also said that many Chinese doctors expressed a similar idea as Stanford professor.

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