Professor Accused Of Murder Tries Using Pathogen Research Specialty For Reason To Release Him – IOTW Report

Professor Accused Of Murder Tries Using Pathogen Research Specialty For Reason To Release Him

Campus Reform

A judge has denied a request from a former Northwestern University professor, charged with stabbing his boyfriend to death, to be released from behind bars in order to help fight coronavirus.

The Chicago Sun-Times reports that in early April, former Northwestern University professor Wyndham Lathem asked a judge to free him on $1 million bail, reasoning that his expertise in infectious diseases and previous research on the bubonic plague would make him an asset to the fight against the coronavirus.

Before being arrested for murder, Latham was a renowned researcher of pathogens, having been granted special clearance from the Center for Disease Control for laboratory access to highly dangerous infectious diseases. More

13 Comments on Professor Accused Of Murder Tries Using Pathogen Research Specialty For Reason To Release Him

  1. Oh, the Humanity! I’m considering starting a petition to free this renowned, great humanitarian from his unfortunate, untimely incarceration. Perhaps he could be persuaded to become head of the World Health Organization before the Wuhan Bat Soup Virus (that didn’t really get its start in China) kills all of those other great, unappreciated humanitarians locked inside his cellblock.

  2. Fake News. He wasn’t a full professor, only an associate. The man he murdered wasn’t his boyfriend, but a man he lured to his apartment so that he and another guy could play out their sexual fantasies. The other (Oxford) guy got 45 years (or so the reports say) for testifying against his chat room buddy. The victim was stabbed 40(+) times by the two murderers. While on the run, Lathem made a $1000 donation in his victim’s name to a public library.

    Lathem is not internationally known for his research of infectious diseases or viruses. He is known for his expertise in one disease bacteria causing plague.

    Funny how the omission of a few details shapes our thinking. Gotta be impressed by Lathem’s incredible nerve. He wants out because he’s planning on disappearing.

  3. Told this story before. Retired NYPD cop I met in the USNR back around 1992 told me that, even back then, media always covered up the murder rates among homosexuals because the public would not believe how psychotically savage they often are — bodies mangled and mutilated by dozens or hundreds of stab wounds inflicted long after the victim is dead, etc. What little has leaked out in the decades since has only proved him correct.

  4. So, I’m not getting any signatures on my petition to free this man in order for him to assume his position as the new head of the World Health Organization? Don’t they deserve one another?

  5. Wonderful! Just what we need. Mix the corona19 virus with the HIV virus and we get a superbug.

    They’ll have to revise their old argument about AIDS: you can’t get it from a public toilet seat.


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