Georgia Lawmaker Angers Fellow Democrats With His Endorsement of President Trump – IOTW Report

Georgia Lawmaker Angers Fellow Democrats With His Endorsement of President Trump

Why Dems are livid over Jones’ public support of the president, Here

7 Comments on Georgia Lawmaker Angers Fellow Democrats With His Endorsement of President Trump

  1. Hijack Alert: is anyone catching the drivel that the NJ gov is shoveling out his pie hole on Tucker?

    btw, good on this guy for daring to try to escape the tyranny of the D’Rat plantation … wake up, black folks!

  2. “Nikema Williams, the chairwoman of Georgia’s Democratic Party…”

    …”Nikema”, eh? What kinda name is that, Wakandan?

    …i lived through the ’70s, when the made up African name thing and “replacing your slave name” was getting its start.

    It was bogus then, its bogus NOW.

    …see, most of these, “Nikema” probably included, are based on Swahili words and names…which just demonstrates ignorance of their own “Kultur”. You see, Swahili, which somehow gained cachet as THE language of Africa among the Afrocentric crowd, is an EAST African language.

    …Which makes not even BAD sense of those who claim slave descent, because THEIR ancestors would have come from WEST Africa.

    …no slaver is gonna sail a rickety sailing ship clear around the Cape of Good Hope to pick up troublesome Somalis from the Horn of Africa when Arabs and rival Black tribes would happily load them up on their ships in the trade wind ports on the nearer WEST coast of the continent…

    …so when you see a “Nikema”, all THAT means is you’re in for a load of misinformed racial butthurt from someone who thinks “Roots” was a documentary and plans to parlay their Blackness as their ONLY asset into a fullblown poverty pimp political career, so THIS person NEEDS to fan race hatred flamez or she’d be out of a job. Given this fact, of COURSE she’s going to hate anyone who actually WANTS racial healing, not JUST because of her indoctrination, but as simply guarding her food bowl, too…

    …this makes Mr. Jones a threat to her livlihood as a Black overseer on the Democrat plantation. Since she LIKES her job as boss of the House nigers, she will NOT tolerate THAT…

  3. Good. Catching flack from the Dems often means you have a decent set of morals and have your head screwed on straight.

    Tantamount to looking for the union label if wondering if you’re doing it right.

  4. WAIT FOR IT…..

    “Uncle Tom”
    “Sell Out”
    “White Bread”
    “Not Authentically Black”
    “Not a REAL Democrat”

    We all know the routine if they can’t ignore this guy, they’ll get some other black guy to go on television and trash him. They always get the house negros to take point to bring back run-away slaves.

    We know the routine by now…


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