China Claims Not One Coronavirus Case In Its Army – IOTW Report

China Claims Not One Coronavirus Case In Its Army

Fox News

China has recast itself as a global leader in defeating coronavirus — and nowhere is that more apparent than in their military.

In fact, China has claimed that not a single member of its 2 million strong People’s Liberation Army has contracted COVID-19, a virus that was started in China and has infected 2 million people worldwide.

The fantastical claim is being labeled an implausible narrative that scientists and scholars find bogus and warn is a classic and transparent tactic meant to intimidate regional rivals. More

13 Comments on China Claims Not One Coronavirus Case In Its Army

  1. Worse than that is a toilet paper mill in Maine blew up. Notice when gas prices go down a refinery catches fire? Now it’s toilet paper. Prices going up.
    4 rolls of tp on Amazon $5. Shipping; $11!

  2. I took a trip to China in 2002, led by a professor with long ties to China (he was on Nixon’s NSC as an economist) and a really sharp guy. The trip ended in Beijing, we rode in the bus around Tiananmen Square 3 times as he explained what actually happened in 1989. The upshot was that China said that people did die there – hundreds of soldiers, at the hands of the militant students. Yeah, they are so truthful about, well, everything.

  3. @Anonymous April 16, 2020 at 2:17 pm

    > Now it’s toilet paper. Prices going up.
    > 4 rolls of tp on Amazon $5. Shipping; $11!

    (clacks dice in hand)

    “Beardy overlords! Come on, beardy overlords!”

    (Oh, come on, now! If I gotta’ wipe some other way, anyway, at least toss in a little commie crucifixion. As a consolation prize.)

  4. Commies lie but Rush had an interesting idea floated. What if they have a vaccine. What if at some point they introduce it and get accolades from msm and globalists. Out there but with them in bed with everyone wouldn’t be a huge surprise.

  5. Coronavirus World Death Toll:

    U.S.A.: 34,562
    China: 3,342

    Isn’t it amazing that a country with over 1 billion people all stacked on top of each other, AND the original source of the virus has only 9% of the deaths the United States has?

    If I didn’t know better, I’d say those commie countries are not exactly reliable when it comes to data that may put them in a negative light…

  6. Read elsewhere;
    President made it a point to say that “the Chinese were very insistent on allowing travel from Wuhan in particular..”

    Wait till the American people start suspecting that China vaccinated their entire population for coronavirus, except Wuhan.

  7. In July of 1976, China declared less than a dozen were injured in the Tang Shan earthquake. It is now estimated that the death toll was between 400,000 and 700,000. China is a lying sack of shit.

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