Land O’Lakes Maiden The Latest Victim Of Correct Think – IOTW Report

Land O’Lakes Maiden The Latest Victim Of Correct Think

Fox News

Land O’ Lakes has an updated look for 2020.

The farmer-owned dairy cooperative, which produces butter, cheese and other milk products, has dropped the Native American maiden image from its packaging, opting instead for just a landscape.

The logo, which has been the company’s label for nearly 100 years since it was founded in Minnesota in 1921, has been called “racist” and criticized for its use of the “butter maiden.” more

54 Comments on Land O’Lakes Maiden The Latest Victim Of Correct Think

  1. Racist grievance mongers can now complain about the white center with a redneck halo around it. They won’t be satisfied until everything is poop brown, like their souls.

  2. I will never buy this brand of butter again…for several generations the Indian woman promised natural quality in the brand so the coop must have decided that a redskin image connotes filth..unclean process etc. Racists butter producer.

  3. As a half breed myself I can say that as usual liberals are full of shit. They are so happy now that an American Indian has been completely erased from history. Who are the real racists?

    You know who…

  4. …shitstorms on things like The View and The Five calling for boycotts and accusing L of L of removing the squaw because “They don’t want to celebrate Native-American Beauty” in 3…2…1…

    …N.B. to Lake folks…you just put blood in the water. Now that they smell weakness, expect to have to pay liberals indulgences and run your company how THEY see fit now, and forevermore…

  5. A good friend of mine is Native ( Indian) Canadian.

    He would always ask for Land O Lakes soft butter any time someone was coming back from the USA from a trip.

    He had no issue what so ever or with the Chicago Blackhawks Jersey but he did hate the Redskins and the Cleveland Indians mascot.

  6. I already wrote them and told them off.
    The Indian lady embodies goodness of the Land ‘o Lakes
    Challenge Butter is next for their use of unrealistic nature scenes

  7. I only bought LoL to do what LCD showed. If you cut along the butter package she’s holding you can fold it back a certain way to get her knees behind the butter. Used it to ask people if they knew what was behind the butter package she’s holding. Then flip the butter package down.

  8. Remember when the Puerto Ricans (led by the oh-so-noble Jessie Jackson) protested vehemently to remove military bases from PR?
    After they succeeded, their economy collapsed and they sorely regretted it.

    My point is, after all references to Native Americans are eradicated from sight, they will be sobbing that they are forgotten….
    be careful what you wish for.

    Now if they went on the warpath to scalp Liawatha, I could support that 100% (her assumption of heritage because of her cheekbones is as offensive as it gets)

  9. Next shopping trip, I will buy the store brand butter. Their store brands are just as good as brand names, so I expect the butter is just fine. Bye, Land-O-Loons.

  10. Putting a Native American maiden on packaging in 1921 was probably progressive for that time since Native Americans were still second class citizens then. But now we’ve come full circle and putting Native Americans on packaging is now racist, and incidentally we’ve now relegated them to second class citizens again by forbidding their images and tribal names to be used.

    Oh, well…liberals are having their way and memory of our Native Americans will continue to fade and soon disappear.

  11. A nuther Politically Correct FAIL destined for the Gillette Hall of Shame!
    The few irrational misfits they pick up with this silly image “correction” will be drowned in customers lost.

  12. Inquiring minds want to know, when are these so-called “do-gooders” with too much time on their collective hands gonna start changing the names of most of the counties in the United States??

  13. And most all the people that celebrate the removal of the Indian woman don’t use butter anyway because of cholesterol, animal product, etc. My wife loves LoL butter but that product has seen the last of our business. Let the dumb-ass Minn farmers try to sell their butter to vegans.

  14. Especially ones named after Indians like Seattle, Spokane, Puyallup, Yakima all in Wash. state or Sioux Falls in Iowa etc., etc., any place that has an Indian name of any sort. Or with religious names like Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego, Corpus Christi etc. Idiots, just leave everything alone lest every name of every city becomes racist or sexist or homophobic, etc. and no one knows what’s what or where they live anymore.

  15. I’m going to switch. Cabot and Kerry Gold look like they be better anyway. Shame to see the erasing of The portrayal of a noble culture.

    Liberals are full of shit.

  16. Tribal members really don’t like progs sticking their noses in their business the assholes showed up from Portland and Seattle to protest the World Famous Omak Suicide Race about over a decade ago. The sonsabitches were lucky to leave town with their scalps. Tribal members were not one damn bit amused and were readying themselves to go on the warpath. I seriously doubt they will ever show up there again.

    That is my buddy’s horse winning this race in this video.

  17. I’m all for it! It won’t be long until Native Americans will become insignificant and completely unknown without all these subtle reminders of their existence. Eventually, reservations will be considered “Racist” and will disappear along with their monthly checks and the tribal names removed from all the casinos. Native Americans will just meld into society and be treated like everyone else. (I guess they didn’t think this whole thing through, did they?)

  18. geoff the aardvark; CA used to have restaurants called “Sambo’s” based on the old story about where Tiger butter came from.
    Guess what? the name, as well as the restaurant, no longer exist.
    The left ruins EVERYTHING they touch.

  19. We had a Sambo’s restaurant in Spokane back in the 60’s and 70’s. They used to have coffee for a quarter with free refills, I know because I drank way too much coffee there one night and had a massive coffee buzz. I believe they became Denny’s restaurants after they were accused of racism back in the 80’s. I gave my copy of Little Black Sambo from when I was a kid back in the 50’s and early 60’s to my daughter for her to read to my granddaughter about a year ago.

  20. Maybe the restless natives would have been OK with a picture of a bloodthirsty Indian warrior with a bloody scalp in his hands instead of a pretty Indian maiden.

    Who knows? Liberal minds work in mysterious ways.

  21. @Geoff

    Yep, we had Sambo’s in Southern Calif. as late as the 1970’s. Now all gone.

    The black people got upset and along with the liberals, managed to get the chain shut down.

    I actually think it was a story about an Asian Indian boy who got tigers to run in a circle or something similar. To the British Raj (Indian gov’t), Indians were black. The British also called them “wogs”. But it wasn’t about African type blacks.

  22. I loved the story of Little Black Sambo. I think it is the first story I remember as a child. Sambo had beautiful clothes the tigers took from him. Until I learned what color it was, I thought “crimson” shoes meant they had those pointy-up toes (from the pictures). Imagine, jealous tigers running so fast around a tree they turned into butter! Funny thing though, I never once considered Sambo to be anything but a child — just like li’l ol’ pale face me. It takes offended adults to point out the differences, I guess.

  23. Did it occur to the new idiots that no one would purposely put a ‘hateful’ image on a product that they intended to sell as food? She’s a lovely depiction of a Native American woman in a beautiful meadow.

    If it had a picture of a prison broom handle ass-raping on the box, I could see being upset about it.
    Well, outside of Oakland, CA maybe.

  24. @Cliche Guevara ~ it came in ‘whipped’

    @MJA ~ never could get those knees to line up w/ the cut-out holes … some guys in my elementary school classes were experts at it

    … probably why I didn’t follow 3 generations of barbers before me! 😋

  25. A little history, people…

    The packaging was redesigned in the 1950s by Patrick DesJarlait, a highly-successful Ojibwe (Indian) artist from Red Lake. He said he was interested in “fostering a sense of Indian pride” across the Midwest. Sadly, his effort is gone now.

    Beth Ford was named CEO in 2018 and she became the driving force behind removing the Indian maiden. Interestingly, she is the first openly gay female CEO of an American Fortune 500 company. I guess a squaw was not her type.

    The package now reflects Ms. Ford and her opinion of tradition…
    a Big Zero.

  26. Fuck that “native” American bullshit.
    She’s an Indian – from the look a Sioux. Maybe a Crow. Well, for sure her mother was an old Crow.

    I’m a Native American! Not an Indian. Descended from Scots, German, Engrish, Irish, Norman, and some polyglot.

    Just as the black man is always the first to die in a horror movie, the Indian squaw is the first to be fired in the name of political correctness.
    Shame on Land-o-Lakes.

    izlamo delenda est …


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