Joe Biden Needs a running mate – IOTW Report

Joe Biden Needs a running mate


Jimmy’s hilarious comedy bit. I just tried not to color outside the lines 🙂 Enjoy. Follow Jimmy on Twitter @jimmyfailla or listen to Fox Across America weekdays Noon – 3 ET. A great hang!!

24 Comments on Joe Biden Needs a running mate

  1. He needs a minority who won’t outshine him. Lucky for him, that’s every minority who ran against him.

    Harris or Booker.

    Both know how to give a blowjob so it’s anyone’s guess.

  2. Well let the games begin. Is it Big Mike, Poco,or Kamel Toe, Stacy Gap Tooth or is Fredo’s brother going to give it a go.
    Personally I’m betting Plugs fizzles out and the DNC has a violent brokered convention.
    Will be fun all around.
    Sleepy Joe is the best they have and he’s not going to make the finish line.
    Gonna nèed more porcorn
    Good God this is going to be amusing.

  3. Jackass Joe needs a running mate uh?
    Something straight outta Honey Boo is the only thing retarded enough that comes to mind! Look up: “Mama June” Shannon” According to Wiki she has experience with men who are registered sex offenders…

  4. Would it be NUTS to think it might be Dr Jill Biden herself??

    She just might be the only one to save him from himself and Pence would have to debate…a woman!

  5. No need for one. A mere formality.

    The Hildabeast will step in at the convention for her coronation when Joe is found dead with a prepubescent hooker with freshly washed hair at the DNC hotel.

  6. Dementia Joe Obiden Bama has to pick a colored woman to shore up support with the two biggest segments of the Dementiacrat Party. It’s going to be Val Demings. She can afford to take a hit this year and run for the big prize in 2024. She gained a lot of attention as a member of the House Impeachment Managers, which is like a gold star with the party members who will really hate Trump by then.

  7. dementiajoes already had his skull cracked open due to aneurisms, should have just put in a port with electrodes to make it easier for the lobotomy he now needs just to stay coherent. Someone needs to show him how to kick start his brain by using his tongue to touch a nine volt battery across both connectors, his hair plugs might shoot out like darts but at least he might be able to string 2 sentences together, and the batteries are cheaper than a real puppet master or teleprompter with large lettering and slow scroll.


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