MSLSD’s Joe Scarborough mocks Sen. John Kennedy’s accent after call to reopen US economy – IOTW Report

MSLSD’s Joe Scarborough mocks Sen. John Kennedy’s accent after call to reopen US economy

FOX: MSNBC “Morning Joe” host Joe Scarborough used a portion of Thursday’s show to mock Sen. John Kennedy’s Southern accent and accuse the Louisiana Republican of “playing dumb on TV,” adding the senator was “dumb as dishwater.”

During the segment, Scarborough dismissed Kennedy’s way of speaking as “corn-pone, made-up,” claiming the 68-year-old Mississippi native, who has served in Louisiana public life for more than two decades, “actually talks like Sherlock Holmes when he’s behind closed doors in his house – and he has an eyepatch and a top hat and smokes a pipe.”

Scarborough was reacting to Kennedy’s Wednesday appearance on Fox News’ “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” in which the senator defended President Trump’s efforts to try to reopen the U.S. economy amid the coronavirus outbreak. Kennedy acknowledged the attempt would involve risk of new infections but claimed the public understands things could go wrong. more

21 Comments on MSLSD’s Joe Scarborough mocks Sen. John Kennedy’s accent after call to reopen US economy

  1. You know you are on the right track when the people you detest are pushing things you hate and fighting things you want. Especially when they are reduced to personal attacks by lack of an argument.

  2. To use a word that is not frequently used these days, but is nonetheless appropriate and simply understandable for tiny liberal minds, it is -SNOBS- (of the highest degree). What an ugly bubble they must exist in.

  3. Are these clowns supposed to be “knowin” bout medical things?
    Senator Kennedy is always a pleasure to hear – insightful, smart, to the point, little or no bullshit – polar opposite from “news” creatures and TV talking heads.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Lefties love to mock and lob personal attacks. They cannot communicate thought based on their own weak ass fundamental ideas, insults is all they got. honk honk CLOWN WORLD.

    I spend some time on chinese virus forums on reddit and poke holes in lefty logic and 100% of the time they come back with attacks on my character. I’ve been called everything from nazi to orange man sympathizer to fucking asshole to crybaby to… Not a single time have they tried to defend their “logic.”

  5. I always played my Southern accent like a fine Stradivarius.
    If you want them to think you’re dumb, lay it on heavy, then watch their face when you pull the rug out from under them.
    Need hep, a y’all works wonders.
    Girls, just check out how Elvis did, it’s almost as good as an English accent.
    Some places I went, didn’t even have to buy a drink.
    Of course it’s put on by Kennedy, he’s old and smart.
    Bless their hearts.

  6. @OTD – Would love to hear your accent. We should have an iOTWReport AUDIO CONTEST!

    Everyone submits a .WAV or MP3 file of them saying a sentence.

    Bloggers submit one per day at 10 a.m. (need a website player widget)

    We get to guess which state they’re from and who it is!

    Too much fun.


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