Virus reveals racism, says blacks – IOTW Report

Virus reveals racism, says blacks


As a clearer picture emerges of COVID-19’s decidedly deadly toll on black Americans, leaders are demanding a reckoning of the systemic policies they say have made many blacks far more vulnerable to the virus—including inequity in access to health care and economic opportunity, the AP reports. A growing chorus of medical professionals, activists, and political figures is pressuring the federal government to not just release comprehensive racial demographic data of the country’s coronavirus victims, but also to outline clear strategies to blunt the devastation on blacks and other communities of color. On Friday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released its first breakdown of COVID-19 case data by race, showing that 30% of patients whose race was known were black.

The federal data was missing racial information for 75% of all cases, however, and did not include any demographic breakdown of deaths. Health conditions that exist at higher rates in the black community—obesity, diabetes and asthma—make blacks more susceptible to the virus. They also are more likely to be uninsured, and often report that medical professionals take their ailments less seriously. “It’s America’s unfinished business—we’re free, but not equal,” said civil rights leader Rev. Jesse Jackson.


27 Comments on Virus reveals racism, says blacks

  1. “… we’re free, but not equal …”
    The Law can set you free; it cannot make you “equal.”
    And you ARE “equal” under the Law – if you “feel” inferior, that’s on YOU.

    That same old chestnut. Want some brie with that whine?

    You’re not white – never will be – no matter how rich – no matter how famous.
    Why can’t you be content being black?
    Why do YOU believe YOU ARE inferior?
    We (white people) don’t.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. If Jesse doesn’t feel equal, that’s his problem. I couldn’t care less. But to think a virus would pick his race over whitey is absurd beyond belief.

  3. Of course they do, it’s been successful for a long time in getting special treatment that’s no longer deserved. Why should many in the black community strive like the rest of us when they can just bitch and carp until everything is handed to them.

  4. Sounds like something the Obamas spouted during the eight years they were in charge of our diets. I blame all of this on the poor example Mooch was always showing American-Africans when she went strolling around on those all expenses government paid vacations in Europe and Hawaii.

  5. I’ve said it before and I’ll no doubt say it again; Why don’t I ever hear anything about a little “EFFORT EQUALITY” along with all the other kinds?
    I notice most of those “Health conditions that exist at higher rates in the black community—obesity, diabetes and asthma” are at least somewhat self-inflicted; how about some “keep yourself healthy equality”, hmmmm?

  6. Is it possible contagion is prevalent in the black community due to failure to shelter at home and/or observing social distancing v roaming the streets and sharing blunts?

  7. I guess the Reverend Jesse ran out of companies to blackmail (while they struggle for their lives) and I’m sure he’ll offer his services to the government to eliminate obesity in the black population. For a price that is.

  8. And using racism as a cudgel will never improve the lives of anyone. Improving anyone’s situation is never the goal of ignorant, virtue-signalling Democrats, Progressives, and Leftists. The goals are to: Extort more funding, grants, welfare money, and cold, hard cash out Americans and by so doing to use that money to indoctrinate America’s children (who will soon be voting-age young adults).

    That is why the byline of the Left is: “Never let a good crisis go to waste.”

  9. If I want your opinion, chickenshit, I’ll scrape it off the source – my lawn.
    By all means, don’t get back to me, waste.
    But you probbly will, since YOU are the liar here.


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