Are the majority of people in this country smart? – IOTW Report

Are the majority of people in this country smart?

(I say no.)

Majority of people in US believe mass immigration is a ‘threat’ to the country.

wash exam-

Eighty-one percent of people in the United States view mass migration as a “threat” because of the coronavirus, according to a recent poll.

Roughly 42% call mass migration a “major threat” to the U.S., while 39% say mass migration is a “minor threat” to the country, according to the Pew Research Center.

The survey corroborates a USA Today/Ipsos poll released earlier this week showing that 8 out of 10 people believe the country should implement an immigration pause during the coronavirus outbreak.

Polling last year indicated that more people than ever believe that immigration is the most important problem facing the U.S.

President Trump suspended travel from China into the U.S. on Jan. 31 and temporarily banned travel from Europe shortly thereafter.

Many on the Left criticized Trump for his decision to ban travel from China, including former Vice President Joe Biden, who called the president “xenophobic” for the implementing the ban.

“Stop the xenophobic fear-mongering,” Biden tweeted in mid-March. “Be honest. Take responsibility. Do your job.”


Ummmm. WTF does this particular virus have to do with changing these d-bag’s minds on mass-immigration?

Why have it, ever?

28 Comments on Are the majority of people in this country smart?

  1. People are smart within the radius of their experiences.
    They seem dumb on first glance, but exhibit a strange wisdom when they are affected by events.
    “The burned hand teaches best.” And we’ve moved entirely away from that – we’ve woven webs of insensibility around our children attempting to protect them from their own imbecilities and the from the vagueries of life – which instills in them a false confidence, not only of their own abilities, but of their capabilities concerning coping with life.

    We rail about “universal” rights until we discover (belatedly) that what WE considered “rights” turn out to be watered-down desultory privileges bestowed by an ever-increasing totalitarianism.

    “Seemed like a good idea at the time” kinda sums up human experiencialism.

    Either that or we’re a herd of morons with a few bright spots among us.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Polling in itself is not precise science at all. How the questions are worded also impacts the options for answers. It is about as close to junk science as it gets.

    From my personal experience of 65 years I would say most of the people one meets are nimrods which explains the peak average curve of IQ to be 100 points.

  3. Ummmm. WTF does this particular virus have to do with changing these d-bag’s minds on mass-immigration?

    Nothing, but that doesn’t prevent these Misery Merchants of the Left to take advantage of it. It’s all about Crisis (real or fabricated) and “victimhood” and they’re not above standing on bodies to pontificate on their own “greatness” and ability to spend Other People’s Money!
    Now I dunno what majority of people in this country are smart, but I do know it is scary how many Mind-Numbingly Stupid, Unaccomplished, Arrogant, Self-absorbed, White guilt-ridden, Gay-obsessed, Prius-driving, Coexist bumper-sticker, Granola-eating, Bottled-water-drinking, Politically Correct, Celebrity-obsessed, Rainbow-plantation, kumbaya-singing, hashtag opportunistic, Obama-Voting Liberal Communist Utopian dupes there are on the Left… and it’s too many!! One day many will hang their heads in shame when they realize the evil they defended and the heros they ridiculed!

  4. Regardless of this poll or that poll….MSM is at the ready to flip the switch.

    They chided and mocked those “right wing nut jobs” as conspiracy theorists for their suspicion that China unleashed the virus and WHO covered up to hurt Trump.

    Since this poll reflects a change in pro-immigration, the bobble head “experts” will begin floating the idea TRUMP allowed/covered up infection into the US to push his anti-immigrant racist agenda.

  5. I am on the Gallup Poll list and believe me they are masters at wording questions to get answers that fit into their small window of desired responses.
    Too many people believe what the media script readers tell them and fear is a powerful manipulator. Especially if you do not have a relationship with God and Jesus Christ.
    As soon as the country is back on track the left will once again be calling Conservatives and Trump xenophobic and raaaaccciiiissss for wanting to control immigration.

  6. I have long held this theory.
    50% of the people in the world cannot think. They act on impulse and emotion only.
    40% of the people in the world can think, but are afraid to do so.
    10% can think and aren’t afraid to.

  7. The majority of people elect the politicians that make the decisions and set the policies.

    Whether that’s smart or not depends on your point of view about it.

  8. We used to be a smart country, but after 55 years of letting in the dregs of the third world, we a very dumb country. Look at the drop in average IQ Ofer that time period.

  9. This is NOT about being ‘smart’.

    ‘Common sense ain’t so common anymore’-
    some say Mark Twain said that, some say Will Rogers.

    Either way, they were not ‘smart’ men, Rogers dropped out of tenth grade and Twain after the fifth grade. But, they were both quite ‘brilliant’.

    According to some people like Prager, you will never even gain wisdom, if you actually GO to college!! IOW there is a possibility of being over educated to the point that person ends of being a senseless moron without reason, never mind being supposedly smart.

  10. Mickey, you’re going to get the response you’re looking for based on where you do your polling; consider a question asked of a university student, city dweller, and a person living a rural life, and you’re going to probably get radically different responses from all 3.

  11. It’s scorched earth time for the lefties. They have always believed since before Trump was in office that illegal immigration was bad. It changed to good when DJT was against it. Now since impeachment didn’t work and Hillary isn’t president and DJT actually made America Great Again, there’s nothing left to do but BURN THE WHOLE THING DOWN. That includes any “fundamental ideas” they had before this new scorched earth idea. The lefty book of fundamental virtue is in constant flux in order to serve whatever ridiculous idea they cook up to oust any opponent.

  12. Smart and moral are two different things. There are many smart people who are willing to enslave others for their “entitlements”, “welfare”, “benefits”, bogus government “jobs”, whatever. More important than intelligence, or IQ, is if a person has integrated thought processes, that is, they do not hold conflicting beliefs (cognitive dissonance). Cognitive dissonance short circuits the mind and hinders the ability to learn. Thus, “liberals”.

  13. Based on my personal day to day dealings with people, most are stupid, and this is coming from someone who’s fairly ordinary when it comes to intelligence.

    Also, I definitely observe differences based on race. This may or may not have more to do with culture than biology, but it’s what I clearly see every day.

  14. The only “pause” needed is in the area of illegal immigration. Legal immigration is of no threat. Then again, I’ll add the caveat that immigrants and/or their children must try to actually become Americans, not just hide away in 100% ethnic enclaves pretending they never left their home country.

  15. Polls are meaningless because the people conducting them are owned and required to lie and distort. The MSM news is meaningless because all MSM outlets are owned, spew the same scripted lies word for word, and are required to NOT tell the truth. There is no truth, no sanity, no credibility in ANYTHING that comes out of the MSM, or the Tech Giants.
    Turn your backs on them all and think for yourselves, or go along and watch your country and way of life be reduced to socialist ash.


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