CNN Finally ‘Reports’ on Sexual Assault Claims Against Biden, and Their Story Framing Was Sadly Predictable – IOTW Report

CNN Finally ‘Reports’ on Sexual Assault Claims Against Biden, and Their Story Framing Was Sadly Predictable

Sister Toldjah reports for RedState-


The latest entrant to confirm their politically selective “outrage” on the issue of sexual assault allegations is CNN, who finally managed to “report” on the story weeks after it first broke, in stark contrast to the more than 700 real-time pieces they did on the allegations against Kavanaugh.

But did they frame it as a detailed examination of the facts as we know them so far? No. The story was framed in terms of how Democrats were “grappling” the allegations:


6 Comments on CNN Finally ‘Reports’ on Sexual Assault Claims Against Biden, and Their Story Framing Was Sadly Predictable

  1. It never happened, because Joe Obiden Bama doesn’t remember it never happening. It’s her word against his, and Obiden Bama doesn’t remember if it didn’t happen. And, more importantly, if it did happen, it’s not as important as electing Dementia Joe to be in charge of all the things that can never happen again. If Poor Joey grappled with what’s her name, he’d have told Jill about it never happening. And Doctor Jill doesn’t remember it never happening, so there! It’s great watching the MSDM grappling with the ungrappable possibility that it probably happened.

  2. The MSM are grappling with a way to make Biden the victim in this case. A likely way is to paint Reade as an opportunist and a profiteer, and with most feminists, celebrities and the media supporting Biden, this could likely work since a cover-up is now out of the question. These folks will keep telling their lies until they become the truth.

    Josef Goebbels would be so proud.

  3. Brett Kavanaugh: licentious, 16 yo serial date rapist and alcoholic based on 35 year old accusations from someone he never met and who no one corroborates were even at the same place at the same time.

    Joe Biden: allegations are too old to look into. Obviously from a former Democrat staffer who is probably a closeted heterosexual Republican Trumptard.

  4. Fifty years ago media bias was far more subtle. Many people still consider Cronkite, Brinkley, et al to be paragons of unbiased journalism, even though they weren’t. Today it seems the only tool they carry is a sledgehammer. Anyone who can’t see the bias is either totally naive and/or ignorant, or on their side.

  5. They’re adding a Joe Biden Character to Sesame Street…

    “The Nookie Monster”

    “Today’s Episode is brought to You by the Number 69…and Our

    newest Sponsor Viagra”


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